Felony Violation of Probation (VOP)
At the courthouse in Tampa, FL, if you are placed on violation of probation for a felony charge or by a judge in Circuit Court, then the probation is supervised by the Florida Department of Corrections (DOC). As of November 19, 2019, the Tampa CIrcuit Office of Florida’s Department of Corrections (DOC) had more than 11,000 offenders under supervision.
If you are accused of a technical violation or a new misdemeanor offense, then the felony violation of probation will be scheduled and heard in Division “K.” The only felony VOP cases not heard in Division “K” involve a new felony charge.
If the defendant is on felony probation and misdemeanor probation when a new misdemeanor charge is allegedly committed by the defendant, any VOP arising in a county criminal division might also be scheduled and disposed of in Division “K.” The judge assigned to Division “K” is appointed as an acting county court judge for the purpose of presiding over such misdemeanor charges.
For standard division cases, all proposed warrants for any technical VOP and for any alleged violation involving a new misdemeanor charge will be presented to the judge assigned to Division “K” for review and action.
On the other hand, any VOP matter arising in a standard division as a result of any alleged violation involving a new felony charge will be filed and disposed of in the standard division in which the case was last pending.
Even if the probation officer also alleges any technical violation, any VOP matter involving a new felony charge will be filed and disposed of in the standard division in which the case was last pending.
Attorney for Felony VOP Cases in Tampa, FL
If you are on felony probation in Hillsborough County, FL, then contact an experienced criminal defense attorney if you believe your probation officer is going to accuse you of violating probation.
Our VOP defense attorneys can represent you in Division “K” for any technical violation or in the standard division if you are accused of a new felony. We also represent clients asking for a modification of the terms of probation or early termination.
Our main office is located in downtown Tampa, just a few blocks from the courthouse.
Call 813-250-0500 to discuss your case.
Additional Resources
DOC’s Tampa Circuit Felony Probation Office – The Community Based Sanctions and Programs offered by the Tampa Circuit Felony Probation Office includes sex offender treatment, mental health treatment, and substance abuse treatment programs. The Circuit Administrator is Patrick Barrentine, the Deputy Clerk is Shelley Tomlinson, and the Deputy Circuit Administrator is Sherrie Woody-Loud.
Florida Department of Corrections Supervision Report – Visit the website of the Department of Corrections to find the supervision report, labeled DC3-2026 which became effective on 2/14. The form is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-302.110, F.A.C. The form allows you to attach any required support group attendance forms, driving logs, or public service work documentation. As explained in the form, payments may be made by either U. S. Mail or credit card using one of the four services described on the DC Public Web site,
www.dc.state.fl.us. The form requires you to explain any contact you’ve had with law enforcement this past month. Finally, the form has a section for special conditions of supervision that allow you to list any progress made this past month on special conditions ordered, including:
- PUBLIC SERVICE HOURS: ______________________
- MONETARY PAYMENT: ________________________
- OTHER: ___________________________________
Contact Information:
Tampa Circuit Felony Probation Office1313 N. Tampa Street Suite 809
Tampa, Florida 33602-3330
Telephone: (813) 233-2383
Fax: (813) 272-3291
Free Consultation
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Our Office Locations
Tampa Office:
Sammis Law Firm, P.A.
1005 N. Marion St.
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 250-0200
New Port Richey Office:
Sammis Law Firm, P.A.
7509 Little Rd.
New Port Richey, FL 34654
(727) 807-6392
Clearwater Office:
Sammis Law Firm, P.A.
14010 Roosevelt Blvd. #701
Clearwater, FL 33762
(727) 210-7004