Medical Review by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
8/9/15 – Update: I added a recent case discussing the formal review hearing to contest a suspension for medical reasons to the end of this article.
5/22/14 – Update: I finally received a copy of these forms from the DHSMV. I’m providing these forms for informational purposes only:
1. DHSMV Form – Medical Report
2. DHSMV Form – Crash Report Questionnaire
3. DHSMV Form – Alcohol and or Drug Usage Questionnaire
What happens when someone reports that a citizen is unable to safely drive a motor vehicle as a result of some physical condition, mental impairment, medical condition or addiction to alcohol or drugs?
In many of these cases, the driver will receive a letter requesting the driver to report to the Division of Motor Services Bureau of Administrative Reviews (BAR) Office to “discuss your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.”
You might also be asked to bring a complete list of all prescriptions and over-the-counter medications that you are currently taking. The letter from the hearing officer warns that “[f]ailure to report will result in the suspension of your privilege to drive.”
The Florida Department of Transportation provides funding for Florida’s Medical Review Process. Allegations of unsafe driving reported to the medical review board often involve:
- a variety of different types of medical conditions;
- vision problems;
- substance abuse;
- medication that affects the ability to drive safely;
- reckless or poor driving as a result of medical issues;
- observations of dings, dents or scratches that might have resulted because of a medical condition; or
- observations of a citizen acting confused or getting lost while driving in familiar areas and thinking there may be a possible medical cause for the behavior.
Florida law allows the reports to be kept strictly confidential. In fact, no civil or criminal action may be brought against any physician, person or agency for providing this information. The HSMV Form 72190 that was last revised in July of 2013 can be found at
In some cases, the physician will refer the patient for a “Driver Safety Evaluation” which is a self-pay service that includes a clinical driver safety assessment and driver skill retaining course.
The Medical Reporting Form Used in Florida
According to the Medical Reporting Form, physical or mental disabilities that could lead to being unable to safely operate or drive a motor vehicle could include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
- Alcohol Addiction;
- Drug Addiction;
- Psychiatric Disturbance;
- Dementia/Memory Defects;
- Epilepsy with recent “Petit mal” or absence seizures and partial seizures with complex symptomatology or even isolated seizure with a normal encephalogram;
- Seizures;
- Severe Cardiac Condition;
- Stroke;
- Loss of Consciousness;
- Uncontrollable Diabetes
- Severe Visual Defect; or
- Sleep Disorders.
Once a report is made using Florida’s Medical Reporting Form, the DHSMV conducts an investigation of the accusation of being medically unsafe to drive. If the Department finds that “cause” is found, then the driver receives notice that he or she is under medical review.
The driver is asked to provide medical information from their physician to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
Florida’s DHSMV’s Medical Advisory Board
DHSMV’s Medical Advisory Board advises DHSMV on medical issues relating to driver licensing standards. To fulfill this obligation, the Medical Advisory Board helps the DHSMV stay current with medical and scientific advancements.
The board reports on the individual physical and mental qualifications of a licensee or applicant. Florida law required that the Board have between 12 and 25 members. Every member but two must be a licensed doctor of medicine. Additionally, at least one member must be a Florida licensed optometrist and a member in good standing of the Florida Optometric Association.
- Require the driver to provide additional information;
- Require the driver to re-take the driving test; or
- Revoke or deny the driver of a driver’s license or privilege to drive in the State of Florida.
Florida Statute Section 322.126
Florida Statute Section 322.126 (2), (3), provides that “Any physician, person, or agency having knowledge of any licensed driver’s or applicant’s mental or physical disability to drive…is authorized to report such knowledge to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles… The reports authorized by this section shall be confidential… No civil or criminal action may be brought against any physician, person or agency who provides the information herein.”
Administrative Hearings in the Medical Review Process
So what happens if the DHSMV puts a notation on your driver’s license that says: “INCAPABLE OPERATE MV SAFELY-MEDICAL – Revocation FL – PENDING.”
If the Florida DHSMV takes any action to deny or revoke the driver’s license then the driver should demand an administrative hearing to appeal the decision.
During the administrative hearing, the driver can present evidence and testimony that he is capable of driving and may bring witnesses to testify on his behalf.
If you need an experienced attorney for a Medical Review investigation and administrative hearing, then give us a call to discuss the case.
What is the Goal in these Cases?
For an attorney representing a client under investigation by the medical review board, the goal in these cases is getting a letter from the Medical Review Section that says that the Medical Advisory Board has completed the review of the case and recommended approval of your driving privileges so that “you may keep the license in your possession.”
You also want to avoid any notation on your driving record that says: INCAPABLE OPERATE MV SAFELY-MEDICAL – Revocation FL – PENDING.
In some cases, the Medical Advisory Board will require that you submit a follow-up report in one year. The MRS will promise to mail the form at that time.
Read more about a recent decision upholding a sustained suspension of driving privileges.
________, Petitioner, vs. STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES, Respondent. Circuit Court, 20th Judicial Circuit (Appellate) in and for Collier County, Civil Action. Case No. 13-2534CA. May 19, 2015. James R. Shenko, Judge. Counsel: Natalia Costea, DHSMV, Legal Department, Lake Worth, for Respondent.
THIS CAUSE comes before the Court on Petitioner’s “Amended Petition for Writ of Certiorari,” filed February 12, 2014, pursuant to Fla. Stat. § 322.221 and Fla. Stat. § 322.31.
Having reviewed the petition with appendix, the response, and the applicable law, the Court finds as follows:
1. Petitioner, _______, is challenging Respondent’s order issued after a review hearing in which the Hearing Officer sustained the suspension of her driving privilege.
2. In May of 2013, after receiving information regarding Petitioner’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (“Respondent”) sent Petitioner a letter requesting him to submit to a medical examination by his own physician. Additionally, Petitioner was to send Respondent the results of such examination directly to the Respondent’s Medical Advisory Board, who would review the results. A determination of Petitioner’s ability to drive safely would follow. If the Petitioner did not comply with Respondent’s request, Respondent would revoke Petitioner’s driving privileges. Petitioner did not submit to the requested medical examination. Instead, he requested information and copies of the allegations concerning his ability to operate a motor vehicle. Respondent stated that Petitioner’s request could not be honored due to the confidentiality of the information requested. Also, Petitioner requested a Records Review Hearing pursuant to Fla. Stat. §322.31. In the meant time, Respondent sent Petitioner a letter, revoking his license until the requested medical examination was performed and a report of such examination was submitted to Respondent.
3. On September 11, 2013, the Bureau of Administrative Reviews Office held a medical hearing before a Hearing Officer. At the medical hearing, Petitioner’s counsel and the Hearing Officer were in attendance. At this hearing, Petitioner’s counsel argued that such hearing was legally insufficient to meet the requirements of an Administrative Review in accordance with Fla. Stat. §120. The Hearing Officer concluded that Petitioner needed to submit the medical form completed by his physician, as previously requested. This request had not been fulfilled at the time of the hearing. The evidence, submitted and reviewed by the Hearing Officer and the Medical Review Board, was forwarded to the chairman of the Medical Advisory Board. Upon review, the chairman and the board denied Petitioner’s request to reinstate his driving privileges. A final order of revocation was submitted by Respondent on October 23, 2013, denying Petitioner’s reinstatement of his driving privileges.
4. The applicable standard of review by a circuit court presiding over a decision of an administrative agency is limited to: (1) whether procedural due process was accorded; (2) whether the essential requirements of law have been observed; and (3) whether the administrative findings and judgment are supported by competent substantial evidence. Dep’t of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles v. Kurdziel, 908 So. 2d 607, 609 (Fla. 2d DCA 2005) [30 Fla. L. Weekly D1963a]; see also Haines City Community Development v. Heggs, 658 So. 2d 523, 530 (Fla. 1995) [20 Fla. L. Weekly S318a]. The Court is not entitled to reweigh the evidence, to reevaluate the credibility of the evidence, or to substitute its judgment for that of the agency. Haines City Community Development at 530.
5. The Petitioner alleges that this Court should direct Respondent to reinstate Petitioner’s driving privileges until Respondent has provided documentation that created the basis of the revocation of his driving privileges. Further, Petitioner alleges that this Court should direct Respondent to hold a “proper” Administrative Hearing in regards to the merits of the complaint, after disclosure of the records and complaint. Under Florida law, however, the Respondent is authorized to suspend the driver’s license of any person without preliminary hearing upon showing of its records or other sufficient evidence that the driver is incompetent to drive a motor vehicle. Fla. Stat. § 322.27 (2014). Under Fla. Stat. §322.221, Respondent can require Petitioner “to submit medical reports regarding his or her physical or mental condition to the [Respondent]’s medical advisory board for its review and recommendation” when the department has reason to believe Petitioner is incompetent to operate a motor vehicle safely. Fla. Stat. §322.221. Respondent’s reason to believe that Petitioner is incompetent to operate a motor vehicle can be supported by information authorized to come from “any physician, person, or agency having knowledge of [Petitioner’s] mental or physical disability to drive.” Fla. Stat. §322.27. Such reports, which are used “for the purpose of determining the qualification of any person to operate a motor vehicle on the highways of this state,” are confidential by statute and are not subject to Petitioner’s inspection. Fla. Stat. §322.126; see also Fla. Const. Art. I, § 24.
6. Petitioner has failed to demonstrate any evidence that supports his claim that he has the right to petition into the allegations that triggered the Respondent’s request, which Respondent by statute is authorized to make, for a medical examination and report from Petitioner. Petitioner did not submit himself to any medical examination, as requested by Respondent. Instead, he petitioned Respondent for allegations that triggered Respondent’s request which statutorily are confidential. Petitioner has not demonstrated with competent evidence that he was denied procedural due process since, under Fla. Stat. §322.27(1)(c)(2), Respondent is authorized to suspend Petitioner’s driving privileges based on its records which in this case included a report, stating the potential that Petitioner’s disability may pose a danger to the public on the roads of this State. Respondent was strictly complying with the statutory requirements by requesting a medical examination from petitioner based on the report it received. As a requirement of Florida law, Respondent revoked Petitioner’s driver privileges for non-compliance with the request, and kept confidential the information it based its decision on to request a medical report from Petitioner.
7. Lastly, Respondent’s administrative findings and judgment are supported by competent substantial evidence that Petitioner’s driver privileges should have been revoked because Petitioner did not submit to the requested medical examination required by the Respondent, who by statute, has the authority to require such examination should it have reason to believe Petitioner is incompetent to operate a motor vehicle safely. In this case, upon receipt of information regarding Petitioner’s ability to operate a motor vehicle, the Respondent complied with the statute when they requested a medical examination and report, maintaining at the same time the information it based its request on confidential.
8. Accordingly, having considered the record, and being mindful of the limited scope of review, this Court accordingly finds that Petitioner has failed to demonstrate that the essential requirements of law have not been observed. The record does contain competent substantial evidence to support the decision of the Hearing Officer on the issue involving Petitioner’s motion to invalidate.
It is, therefore,
ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Petition for Certiorari is DENIED.
* * *
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A good website. My question is how broadly available are licenses for people with epilepsy who have not had a seizure for 8yrs, only 3 over the last 21. Can I obtain construction lic to operate forklifts, e.g.?
Thank you.
Scott Bartholomew
Where can a person download the forms to take to the doctor to request a license review?
I had a black out due to the medication I was on.I moved out of state for a time and have a valid licence but to get my Florida licence back I need a medical review form to give my doctor.Do you know how I can get one
You need to get the forms from the DHSMV medical review office. They do not have the forms available to be downloaded from their website.
At least from my experience calling over there, they never answer their phone. But maybe they have resolved that issue since I last tried to get in contact with them.
At the top of the post is sample forms they sent to me in response to a public record request. I put them here for everyone to see (not as legal advice but just for informational or educational purposes).
Feel free to leave a public message and explain what you had to do to get the forms. I think it is helpful to people to see what a mess this process is.
I am 68 yrs old and have type 2 diabetes,never had a problem driving or had any seizures while driving or other wise,my Doctor at the V.A. made a statement that i might get my driving privilage revoked.Recieved a letter from DMV and i feel that is not appropiate that i have my driving previlage revoked,i am extremely responsible for driving,doing my shopping and medical appointsments,where can i get help to change this revocation of my driving previlages?
You can contact the Florida DMV, Medical Review Department and they can send to you or fax to your physicians office. Find the phone number online of through information.
I had a black out due to the medication I was on. back in 2000, I want to get my Florida licence back I need a medical review form to give my doctor.Do you know how I can get one
You have to call them and request a copy at 850-617-3814 or email (I don’t advise) they don’t reply. But email is If you call to speak to a live person, plan on having a few days clear to dial the phone every 2 minutes and try to get through. Every time I have called its been “we are experiencing a high call volume, please try your call again later”….can’t even leave a message. Of the 3 times I did get through, apparently there is only a couple of girls in the office and one guy, Steve. They told me they mailed me the forms 3 times before I FINALLY got them to fax them to me at my job, which they were very reluctant to do. I was told they have ONE PHONE LINE coming into there office and “yes, they are VERY BUSY”. Doesn’t make a lot of sense. But GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
i have this letter saying there is a medical form enclosed and there is’ running out of time fast.
So I’m not giving legal advice on this topic. I’m just reporting what I found out when I asked the DHSMV the same questions. I’ve been getting so many questions about this form that I called the DHSMV. You would need to call them directly –
Medical Review Section at 850-617-3814 then hit “3”. Most of the time you will hold for 20 minutes and then a recording will say “We are experiencing a high call volume, please try your call at a later time. Thank you and have a wonderful day.” If you can even get through you are lucky.
Each case will be evaluated and you’ll be advised of the necessary procedures based on what that office tells you. But if you ask me they are not very helpful.
I’m not giving any legal advice because I don’t know anything about your case or any of the cases for anyone asking questions here. This is just a forum to exchange information. If you need an attorney, then call an attorney and hire an attorney to help you. If you are just looking for general information it might be provided here. The State has made this process ridiculously complicated and secret. So I think that is why so many people have questions about it.
The specialist at the DHSMV told me on the phone that if the right form didn’t come with your letter then it means a mistake was made and the DHSMV might agree to extend the 45 day period if you call them and ask for an extension. For whatever reason, they do not publish this form online. You have to call them and ask them for it which seems strange to me. I’m not sure what the policy reason behind that is – they could not explain it to me. They don’t want people to have access to that form online for some reason. They wouldn’t even tell me on the phone what the form number is. I got passed around to two different people and then told a supervisor would call me about my public record request.
Maybe it is because there are several different forms that might be required. It was explained to me that there is a medical reporting form that a doctor can fill out saying why the person does not have a medical condition that would make it unsafe to drive. A ADUQ or Alcohol and drug questionnaire form, a medical status examination form, and a crash report questionnaire form. I was told that the treating physician should fill out the medical form completely and more information might be requested.
While I was on the phone with the DHSMV, I made a public record request for the form and I’m waiting for a supervisor to call me back about my public record request. That’s all I know. You probably need to call them and talk to them about it if you are representing yourself in the matter. If I’m having this much trouble finding the form, I see why I’m suddenly getting so many questions about it.
Does the Advisory Board work with the DHSMV toward prosecuting for DUI?
i went the DMV in delray beach and they gave me two forms,.one for my dr. and one for my cardiogist.both drs.say they will fax info in as soon as i wear a heart monitor ,i’mg getting it fri.the ninth.i want to know if its to late being my lic.has to be turned in the fifth.thank you
i forgot to mention the lady who gave me the forms said i have 45days it’s still her word again’st mine.
It is absurd to have to waste so much time to get a DUI monitor or doctor input to adjust monitor to meet your medical needs. This is just something that needs a better system, more outlets and fewer rules to allow for different medical conditions. I have been working since Feb to get my license reinstated and my interlock system up and runing. It is al,ost July and I have not made any headway toward actually driving my car
On April 7 I took my medical report form
to my neurologist to be sent to Bureau of
Motorist Compliance. As of this date
I have not heard any information regarding getting my driver’s license.
I have passed all my doctors’ tests and
feel my medical problems are in good
Please advise.
Russell A. Gray
January, 2012, a Lee Memorial Hospital
clerk approached me to participate in a
voluntary memory evaluation. Family Dr. whom I had seen only once called me into
his office while my wife was being seen
to tell me that he was taking my driver’s
license in June, 2012. Went to my
neurologist who wrote to your Dept.
“Recommendations for a driving evaluation
are deferred pending notice of actual
concerns about his driving skills.”
I have had no driving problems. I would
like to have my driver’s license re-
instated if possible.
Please advise.
Russell A. Gray
I was talked into participating in the
evaluation as a favor to the individual
conducting the test and at no point
before, during or after the evaluation
was I informed that my personal evaluation was going to be publically
disclosed to the Motor Vehicle Dept.
I feel personally violated. My doctors
also agree with me on this subject.
Russell A. Gray
Sooo.. Florida does not believe in open government? In New Jersey when a physician makes a report about an unsafe driver, that letter is a matter of public record. State DMV MUST provide a copy of the letter recommending that a person not drive to anyone who requests it. My Mom has a FLA medical suspension right now due to….Diverticulitis. Why isn’t a suspension dependent on CLEAR AND CONVINCING Evidence standard? Diverticulitis is what the hospital diagnosed..and they send a recommendation not to drive? Ever hear of DAUBERT vs Merril Dow?
Scientific proof vs opinion?
Yes I think it is unfair that these are sealed records. My father’s neurologist made the report after my father left his office as a patient. My husband and I had a business dispute with my father’s neurologist. He owed our business over two thousand dollars because of fraudulent chargebacks. My husband made the mistake of saying that his father in law was a patient. We know it was this doctor. His DMV letter came two months after the dispute. He has clearly misused his power as a doctor to retaliate at my family. After doing some research we realized this doctor spent time in jail for Medicare fraud. It is amazing he is allowed to still practice. All this happened 2 years ago and my father is still going round and round with DMV. He must not have used the right for because they are now threatening to revoke on December 16.
Hi, This is terrible, I have tried for days to get through to # 850-617-3814. It always says the same thing, “We are experiencing high call volume, call back later and hangs up on you”. What kind of business is this? There is something going on here that is not right. Why isn’t the form on line to make it easy for people? This is awful to put people through this.I feel like reporting this to the Better Business Business Group. Please, get back to me. All I want is form # 72190, that’s it. Just send me the form, Email it to me please, you have my Email address. I’m asking for your help, I am not well, for the love of God help me. Please email me and tell me something. Thanking you in advance. Shirley Manzo # 561 791-4868. Thanks.
Click a tab about older drivers..Then
Click Bureau of Motorist Compliance Medical Review Program
The Forms are also individual on links with descriptive wording just click and print.
If you just Google
2) Bureau of Motorist Compliance Medical Review Program
It’s all available …and they did answer my call @ 850 617 3814…I might have agreed to the call back..cant remember…the call back system seems to work on most merchants and services, Ive found lately
try a fax? 850 617 3944
Good Luck!!
I submitted my doctors exam and approval to return to driving on 12/16/14 and have heard no results. Pls help me as I do need my car…….very much
on nov. 30, 2014 I went to the driver license bureau to have my license reduced
to a class e license. What I got was my license removed and was told to expect information from bureau of motorist compliance to correct the problem. now it is 1/27/2015 and it is not corrected yet. my wife is blind and cannot see. I am the only one who can drive. if the state cannot help me then I will only do what I have to. oh well.
I live in Maine right now but planing on moving to Florida, in January I had what I was told was a-fib with a syncope event i was unconscious for a minute of so the state of Maine wants me not to drive for 6 months, will Florida suspend my license for what happened if so for how long? I’m currently on new meds to control the a-fib. Thanks
update i have passed out around 10 times since then looks like i will not be getting my licence back anytime soon! however I did learn that the cause of me passing out is more than likely due to my time in the 1st gulf war, i am now looking at getting disability from the VA and i also put in a claim to ssdi so if you are having the same problem i am and served in combat in the 1st gulf war contact the VA!
Need my drivers license it’s clean I went to get a copy and they told me that they need clearance from my dr. It was sent over 3 months ago
I have medical hold on my drivers license. Recently found Doctor to fill out DMV medical form. The form says i have 45 day to get it filled out. However, past 45 days. Do i have to request new form or my physician can fill out that form?
They often waive those deadlines so call to ask if you can get an extension. But in the meantime go ahead and get the formed filled out and sent in ASAP. I think they can waive that 45 day deadline or give you an extension if they want to.
I have a medical hold on my drivers license, but forms expired in 45 days.I found Doctor who’s willing to fill out medical forms, but it’s already passed 45 days. Do i need to request new forms from DMV or can my Doctor fill out those forms?
long, long ago I sent in my report from my doctor stating I was following proper procedure to retain my driving privileges. to date still have not heard from them. dmv received it 4/10/15. two months have gone, what the hell????
Bullshit… That’s it
Can’t see my post so hit it again. Hi,I’m having a problem getting my Dr. Office to help fill out my medical report for my lincense. They are revoked from an accident over a year and seven mths. Accident wasn’t my fault. Officer on screen took them cause I had eyes closed from Sun and was trauma from wreck. Also claims dr. Had me on to many drugs to be driving. Well I’ve since changed dr. And they are not sure what to do to help me I guess. Cause form has all these other things they think I must goto these other specialist they think. But I’ve called numerous times to dmv in Tall. Fl. An all they want is what your dr. Is treating u for ok. I need a hearing to prove I’m capable to drive. I have a clean record and held a cell for many years accident free and owned my own two rigs and trailers. I traveled all my life. I need my lincense for my family needs me to be independent for grandkids I babysit (four) please I beg for guidance in this matter. I cannot afford attorney and this so unfair and unreal and I’m not a felon either. 57 years old and it’s unlawfully in my eyes and others say. I need help to resolve this matter please help me.
You would need to contact an attorney in your area to help you. Criminal defense attorneys who focus on DUI cases are a good place to start because they are experienced in fighting the driver license administrative suspension issues at the DHSMV related to the DUI. The medical review by the Florida DHSMV is also an administrative suspension so the rules are similar. You do not necessarily need an attorney. You might just need to get your doctor to submit the right form or find another doctor that can submit the form.
No duo but thanks
What boggles the mind is how massive the
DUI moneymaking racket has become.
DMV offers no transparency, no feedback,
just obfuscation and self-serving illogic.
Try to call and they put you on hold for
six hours..write a letter and they never get
What have we become–the Soviet Union?
Just for fun, some one I know sent this to me,it’s interesting reading:
type into your search bar.
My sister had her driver’s lic suspended because she did not reply to a request for medical examination. She never received the request nor a notice of her DL being suspended. She did have an old address on her DL; however, that address is still owned by the family, she had a forwarding with the USPS and that Notice or Request was not received there. Is there a Petition for Request of proof of mailing we can file with Collier County courts? She was pulled over a few days ago for a tail light and they took her to jail for driving without license, it had been suspended 2 days prior. Thanks for a response.
I am about to get my licence revoke from a car accident. They doctors at the ER said I was fine from a car accident. All my levels were fine. I was told I mostly most likely passed out from donating blood. I went to my doctor’s office to make an appointment to have the doctor fill out the medical form and I was refused to be given an appointment. Not much has changed with the 850 617-2000 number for driver’s licences. I tried else where and I was refused appointment elsewhere.
I had a seizure on 10/25/2014 and my driving privilege was removed on 1/29/2015. I have been seizure free for 7 months and submitted all my documents to the DMV to have my driving privilege reinstated. So far nothing and the only response I get was that they received 4 pages on 10/21/15 and then 2 pages on 11/2. I never had any problems being a bad driver and only 1 speeding ticket in my life. Not sure what is the holdup since my doctor approved me to drive, and even on the letter she sent said I was able to drive.
This is mostly for women. I’ve
had episodes, do to the wrong medication and many I was allergic to I have been stable for sometime now. Menopause related estrogen
goes down and progesterone goes up. This plays havoc on your brain. I have been on many medications and have had many tests. Ladies don’t let a doctor tell you, you are crazy get a specialist like I did. I had 3 car accidents, I had a perfect driver license
My mother was in the hospital on a hospis
floor, everyday my father and I would drive an
hour to be with her all day. My 89 year old father drove, who couldn’t walk well was in a wheel chair. A nurse asked if I was driving my father home at night and I said no I can’t
drive and told her the story. The next day
the nurses thanked me for.the information they went on line
and read the information.
I have lost 2 cats, the place we lived in
and both parents( 3 months apart) and I’m fine. When I received the call at 1:30AM to come to the hospital my dad was in ER, I did
what I had to do.
All of you who have a difficult doctor get a new one.
…Male 82 years old
…Had minor stroke affected peripheral vision
…Was mailed R\request to have eye exam and return Green Form send from DMV
…my Primary Care Physician filled out DMV Medical form. Indicated “Fit to Drive”
…Took Humphrey Esterman test at VA and did not qualify
…Form send to DMV and resulted in licence revocation.
…Believe that Humphrey Esterman, a machine
can not effectively measure my ability to
drive While it is one tool used it should
not be the only qualifying measure of
fitness to drive in 100% of cases.
…Sent letter requesting re-test. Not
…Send 2nd letter requesting re-test. Reply
was an unsigned letter quoting state law.
…No formal reply for my two written request for a re-road test.
…Wonder why I do not hear from member of Medical Review Board who supposedly handles my case.
Would like name of Dr. who reviews my case so that I might correspond with that person directly. Is this my right?
This happened to me!
I have no idea who filed something against me. My guess is that my Insurance company was upset, since i got hit by two different cars, one while i was sitting in the passenger seat with the car off and another i was stopped at a red light and the guy behind side swiped me and another lady. Shortly after I got in an accident that was actually my fault and received notice of suspension. Meanwhile, Ive never had a single ticket for anything! After i turned in my medical report, Tallahassee said it wasn’t enough information to make a decision because the doctor that signed the forms isn’t my normal doctor. The thing is I’ve been going to the same physicians office so the doctor that signed works for my doctor and has all of my previous health documents. So he did have every right to sign. I decided to move to New York and received a letter saying my license will be re-instated since there is no proof that they can suspend it, but i would have to submit another medical report a year later. Since i was in New York I missed the deadline and my license was suspended yet again. Crazy annoyance!!!! thanks florida DMV.
So does it always take 30 days or more for the medical board to review your situation or can it be less?
we did the medical review already . now they want a folow up a year later… they never sent a form .. do i have to have a form or can my doctor just send in answers to the samne question from the last form… my doctor should have form on file ,,, maybe he can white out ansers and take copie so we have a clean form …lol
I I sent this medical review form back several times and every time they tell me there’s a different page missing. I have been to jail because I was driving without a license without knowledge. The police officer that stopped me and Tampa was quite rude and told me maybe I should pay my ticket. I have never been stopped and received a ticket of any kind. Then when I was stopped for driving without a license I pulled over and was not told that that was not a warning I had to go to court. I ended up getting arrested while sitting on my living room couch for driving without a license. I cannot find a doctor that is willing to refill these paperwork out yet again. This all began with me having to get a replacement license and checking the wrong box on the form. I am not dyslexic or have seizures or any of the sort. I am bipolar but that does not affect my ability to drive or make decisions when it comes to whether or not I should be driving. Me losing my license has caused me grief with my ex and fighting for custody of my daughter. Because they use the fact that I don’t have transportation against me in court. It has cost me a great amount of money wasted time and stress. The funny thing is is my doctor wrote a letter to the hearing specialist saying that I was of sound mind to drive. I don’t understand why I am having such a difficulty getting my license back it has been for years where do I find a doctor that will be willing to help me fill this information out because my doctor I have now told me he does not have the time.
I have not had a Fl drivers license in 6 years. I had to give it to the Georgia DMV when I got a Georgia’s drivers license. I have had a Ga DL ever since. but a medical red flag pop up when I went to renew my Ga DL. They said it was placed on my FL DL when I lived in Florida in 2011? Please contact me!! The phone number 850-617-3814 does not allow you to connect to anyone one. They will hang up on you… Brandon
Dear Sir,
I have returned the medical review form. I haven’t been driving my vehicle, I didn’t know if I should be driving until a decision has been made to my driving status was made. My sister and grown daughter has been driving me around. Which has become a burden. Please let know as soon as a decision is made?
In rehab 8 weeks. Missed 45 days notice. When contacted, given another 20 days, but revocation date stated pending receipt of medical review. Question…is that a firm revocation while the submited medical report is under review?
In 2014 I ended up in the emergency room after a few days of not feeling right. The night before, I woke up on the floor. I must have fainted or passed out. When I offered up this info at the er I was admitted into the hospital for a week.
After an extensive week of testing, I was released. A few weeks after that, my license was suspended & was eventually reinstated. They did it once again & I got it back again.
The last time, I was late submitting my forms & got an extension but was still revoked. Got caught & was arrested last week. My paperwork should be on its way. Have to go to court. I need a lawyer who specializes in this. Does anyone know of an attorney in port st Lucie county??
I got a parking ticket at the airport, when I asked the deputy why I wasn’t just given a warning he said “Because I didn’t feel like it” I was sitting in my car when he came up to my window. I dared to question him and 2 months later I get a medical and mental form from DMV questioning my fitness to drive. I had to go to a medical and pych dr and an optomotrist for a vision test. I passed all 3 sections with no issues. I am gob smacked that an officer of the law who was having a bad day can abuse his powers by putting someone and their family through all this just an abuse of his authority. Everyone I have told about this never knew this was a “get even” tool if you dare to speak back to a policeman. And you have no right to face your accuser? Really?? In America?? How did out legislatures in Fl allow this to happen? And the cowards that turn you in for pure vindictiveness get to hide behind the curtain. Shameful.
Please help me the medical review board took my license away 2 years ago due to a medication i was taking i haven’t taken it in a year and a half and i have went over and beyond to send them all the paperwork proving this i sent it in 3 weeks ago and i just called and they told me they haven’t even received it yet not having my license is ruining my life I used to work over 40 hours a week now I’m down to 20 hours because I don’t have my license I just bought a car it’s sitting in my driveway I’ve spent thousands of dollars on getting my license back and this is the biggest hassle I’ve ever had and I need somebody to help me talk to them to get my license back please give me a phone number of somebody I can call that will deal with the medical review board of the DMV in Tallahassee
I need advice – I blacked out while driving from a combination of dehydration and low blood sugar. I was cleared to drive by my cardiologist and neurologist and then saw another doctor for a follow up (primary care). I got the medical forms to fill out to prove I was cleared but the specialists both say the primary care has to fill out and the primary care says the neurologist does and no one will fill out my forms! I brought paperwork to the primary care showing I was cleared by both specialists, along with my hospital paperwork, and she still refused to fill out the paperwork. Please, I don’t know what to do – should I get a lawyer at this point???
I have tried to get a doctor or walk in to do my medical report I cannot find anyone who will do it as of this time one reason is because I dont have insurance, my phyciatrist office filled out the form they were suppose to and said I was ok to drive. Is the medical form a simple physical form, I am so frustrated I ‘m trying to get this done. Any suggestions.
How can one appeal a revoked license in Florida for a medical reasoning?
It depends. If you want to email me any correspondence in your case from the DHSMV and your summary of the events and your contact information, then I can review it and call you to discuss –
(4) Reports received or made by the board or its members for the purpose of assisting the department in determining whether a person is qualified to be licensed are for the confidential use of the board or the department and may not be divulged to any person except the licensed driver or applicant or used as evidence in any trial, and are exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), except that the reports may be admitted in proceedings under s. 322.271 or s. 322.31. Any person conducting an examination pursuant to this section may be compelled to testify concerning his or her observations and findings in such proceedings.
(5) There shall be no monetary liability on the part of, and no cause of action for damages shall arise against, any member of the board for any action taken without intentional fraud in carrying out the provisions of this section.
This clause Was n addition to right to review and applicable under court filing mentioned above the court knowingly lied to the lisencee the work product of the medical review board is authorized under the privacy act and for the licensee accessible for his right to review no state law can trump federal privacy law u just have to find it in the statutes the original signed complaint is confidential and can not be obtained but all work product under the review board is authorized for Release under privacy act federal hence the state subtext under the medical review section “other than licensee”shows compliance with the federal statutes with the privacy act ….. if u have knowledge of this law it can be ground for an investigation on the second part of intentional fraud under their own statutes and violations under said statutes with regards to this persons case mentioned at the top don’t expect them to actually go buy the law when laws take away rights even the courts go to great lengths to protect corruption and false reports against individuals and veterans… this doesn’t apply to dui or legitimately suspended licensees but to the victims of corruption u also have the uphill burden of proving it without the original complaint good luck from broken soul
Only one correction “other than licensee” referred to section 4 “accept the licensed driver”.Second part “without intentional fraud being carried out under the provisions of this section” which is proven by court decision to not uphold the statutes and the licensed drivers rights best wishes broken soul
My dad is under medical review to have his license taken away. He is 85 and uses a walker to walk. This doesn’t affect his driving. He has never had a car accident or ticket. He had the dr fill out the forms. The dr wrote he was able to drove with no limitations. Now Tallahassee wants all his medical records from any dr he has seen in the last 6 months. Is this allowed. Seems unnecessary seeing his primary care dr has cleared him. Need some advice please.
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