Florida’s Rules for 4th DUI Hardship / Business Purpose Only / Employment Purpose Only Permit

Florida changed the rules which permanently barred any person with four DUI convictions from obtaining a hardship license (the “business purpose only” or “employment purpose only” license).

The rules are complicated. Even the website for the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle (DHSMV) does NOT explain it.

Many of the provisions have a “Got Ya!” effect. One wrong move will prevent you from restoring your driving privileges for even longer.

Disclaimer: The more than 300 comments to this article are far more interesting than the article itself. Also, nothing in this article should be considered legal advice. Talk to an attorney about the facts of your case for legal advice.

Fourth DUI Conviction in Florida – Hardship License After Five (5) Years

The Florida legislature has recently made it possible for an individual convicted of four (4) or more DUIs to get an “employment purpose only” permit and eventually to obtain a “business purposes only” permit.

After October 1, 2011, the individual must wait at least 5 years from date of the last DUI conviction or when the individual was released from jail or prison on the charge (whichever occurred later). During that 5 year period, the individual must not have driven for any reason or consumed any alcoholic beverage.

If the driver tells anyone at the DHSMV or the DUI Special Supervision Services (S.S.S.) Program that they drank, used any illegal drugs, or drove without a license during those five (5) years, then the person is NOT eligible for a hardship permit for another 5 years.

The DHSMV will also look to see if you were caught in any criminal offense for drinking or driving during that time period – like a citation for driving without a license.

How to Apply for a Hardship License in Florida after a 4th DUI

Step 1: Go to the Bureau of Administrative Reviews for the DHSMV in the county in which you live to have a hearing. At the hearing, you will be asked the following questions:

  • Have you been cited or arrested for any drug or alcohol charge within the last five years? (If the answer is “yes” then you are not eligible).
  • If not, have you consumed any illegal drugs, non-prescribed prescription medication, or alcohol in the last five years? (If the answer is “yes” then you are not eligible).
  • Have you been cited or arrested for any offense that involved driving a motor vehicle for any reason within the last five years? (If the answer is “yes” then you are not eligible).
  • If not, have you driven a vehicle for any reason in the last five years? (If the answer is “yes then you are not eligible).
  • Have you completed the approved DUI school program required for your last DUI conviction? (If the answer is “no” then you are not eligible)
  • If so, please show me your certificate of completion for DUI school. (You must have the original certificate showing compliance with this requirement).

Step 2: If the hearing officer decides that you are eligible for a Florida hardship license, during the first year you are eligible for the “employment purpose only” license. After the first year, you can reapply for the “business purpose only” license.

Step 3: The hearing officer will send you a letter which indicates you are eligible to obtain the hardship “business purpose” only driver’s license. The letter will instruct you to obtain a recommendation from the Special Services Program.

Step 4: You must apply for a recommendation with the Florida Special Supervision Services Program. As part of that process, you must submit to an evaluation. If you accepted into the program, you must also obtain the ignition interlock device for the specified period (which might be forever). You must remain in the Special Supervision Services Program for the entire time that you have the hardship license (which means the rest of your life if you have 4 or more DUI convictions on your Florida Driver’s License).

Step 5: Take the letter from the Special Supervision Services Program back to the Bureau of Formal Review so that they can issue you another letter which authorizes you to obtain the employment purpose only license.

Step 6: Take the letter to any full-service DHSMV office and pay the fees required to get the plastic hardship license.

Suspension Periods in Florida for Multiple DUI Convictions

Florida law requires that the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles impose certain periods of suspension depending on the number of prior convictions and the timing of those convictions.

Even after the suspension is imposed the driver may be eligible to apply for a hardship license as explained below.

  • Second DUI within Five (5) Years – Requires Five (5) Year Florida DL Suspension

Under Florida law, a second DUI within five years requires a five (5) year driver license suspension. After one year, however, the person can apply for a hardship license.

At the time of application, the DHSMV will check to see if the person has been caught drive or if the person admits to driving even if the person was never cited for any driving offense during the one (1) year period.

  • Third DUI within Ten (10) Years – Requires Ten (10) Year Florida DL Suspension

Under Florida law, a third DUI conviction within ten (10) years of the first DUI conviction requires a ten (10) year driver license suspension. After two (2) years from the date of the conviction, however, the person can apply for a hardship license.

At the time of application, the DHSMV will check to see if the person has been caught drive or if the person admits to driving even if the person was never cited for any driving offense during the two (2) year period.

  • Fourth or Subsequent Lifetime DUI Conviction – Requires a Permanent Florida DL Suspension

Under Florida law, a fourth DUI conviction (no matter when the prior convictions occurred) requires a permanent driver license suspension.

That permanent DL suspension previously meant that the person could never regain any privileges to drive in Florida under any circumstance. Now those rules have finally changed.

 After the fourth or subsequent DUI conviction, before applying for the hardship license the person must wait five (5) years from the date of conviction or from the date that the person was released from jail or prison (whichever occurred later). See Florida Statute 322.271(5)-(6).

At the time of application, the DHSMV will check to see if the person has been caught drive or if the person admits to driving even if the person was never cited for any driving offense during the five (5) year period.

Additionally, at the time of application, the DHSMV will check to see if the person has been caught drinking alcohol or using any illegal drug or if the person admits to drinking alcohol or using any illegal drug even if the person was never cited for any driving offense during the five (5) year period.

If deemed eligible, the driver can pursue the “employment purpose only” driver license for the first year. Thereafter, the person can apply for the broader “business purpose only” driver license.

Types of Hardship Drivers License

Florida law provides for two different types of hardship licenses.

  • The “business purposes only” driver license allows someone to drive to work, school, the doctor, a lawyer and other limited purposes. Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 322.271(1)(c)(1), the “business purposes only” license allows any driving “necessary to maintain livelihood.”
  • The “employment purposes only” driver license has a more limited purpose because it only allows someone to drive to or from work or for legitimate on-the-job driving purposes.

Eligibility is Only the Beginning – Florida’s DUI Special Supervision Services Program

Once you determine that you are eligible, you must meet several conditions including submitting to Florida’ Special Supervision Services Program for the entire period that you have the hardship license.

In addition to other requirements, you must also obtain the ignition interlock device for the specified period.

Read more about the Hillsborough County Supervision Services Program located at 4711 N. Hubert, P.O. Box 151351, Tampa, FL 33684, telephone number (813) 875-6201 including the maze of specific requirements.

Additional Information from the DHSMV Website on Obtaining a Hardship Driver’s License:

3rd DUI – third offense not within 10 years of second conviction will result in a 180-day to 1-year revocation, unless the last 2 of the convictions fall within 5 years in which case a 5-year revocation will apply. You are not eligible for a hardship license during the revocation period.

A third offense within 10 years of second conviction will result in a 10-year revocation. You must serve 2 years of this revocation period before being eligible to apply for a hardship license in the Administrative Reviews Office (see listing “Under Suspension – Need Driver License for Work”) where you live.

You must complete DUI School, and treatment, if referred, and have a favorable recommendation from the Special Supervision Services Program to be eligible for a hardship license. If given approval to reinstate early for hardship, you must present this approval to the driver license office.

You must remain in the Special Supervision Services Program for the duration of the revocation period to retain your hardship license.

If you wait to reinstate until after your revocation period ends, proof of enrollment or completion of DUI School, and treatment, if referred, is required. Failure to complete the course within 90 days after reinstatement will result in cancellation of your driver license by the department until the course is completed. Failure to complete treatment may result in cancellation of your driver license.

At the time of reinstatement, whether for a hardship license or a full license, you must take the required examination, and pay an Administrative fee and revocation reinstatement fee and any license fee required.

For a DUI conviction on or prior to October 1, 2007, you must provide proof of bodily injury liability insurance in the amount of 10,000 per person and $20,000 per occurrence and $10,000 property damage liability on the arrest date or proof of bodily injury liability coverage and a $15 reinstatement fee will be required.

Any DUI conviction after October 1, 2007, must provide proof of bodily injury liability insurance in the amount of 100,000 per person, 300,000 per occurrence and 50,000 property damage liability on the arrest date or proof of liability coverage and a reinstatement fee of $150 up to $500, for subsequent violations will be required.

See also Ignition Interlock Requirements.

4th DUI or Subsequent DUI Conviction – You must serve 5 years of this revocation period before being eligible to apply for a hardship license in the Administrative Reviews Office (see listing “Under Suspension – Need Driver License for Work”) where you live.

You must complete DUI School, and treatment, if referred, and have a favorable recommendation from the Special Supervision Services Program to be eligible for a hardship license. If given approval to reinstate early for hardship, you must present this approval to the driver license office. You must remain in the Special Supervision Services Program to retain your hardship license.

At the time of reinstatement you must take the required examination, and pay an Administrative fee and revocation reinstatement fee and any license fee required. For a DUI conviction on or prior to October 1, 2007, you must provide proof of bodily injury liability insurance in the amount of 10,000 per person and $20,000 per occurrence and $10,000 property damage liability on the arrest date or pay a $15 reinstatement fee.

Any DUI conviction after October 1, 2007, must provide proof of bodily injury liability insurance in the amount of 100,000 per person, 300,000 per occurrence and 50,000 property damage liability on the arrest date or pay a fee of $150 up to $500.

See also Ignition Interlock Requirements.

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If you have been through the process of obtaining a hardship license in Florida after a 4th DUI please leave a message below. We would love to hear about your experience navigating this process.

This article was last updated on Thursday, September 3, 2020.



  1. I received my 4th dui in Fl. in 1998. I have no convictions, no alcohol, and no drugs or crimes since then. I have been living in Merietta, Ga. since 1999. What do I need to do to receive at least an employement purpose only permit?

    Please help, I have been praying for this for so long. My brother still lives in Fl. and he told me about this.

    1. Go to drivers license office request hearing, You will not have consumed alcohol or drugs, will have gainful employment, Will not have driven w/o a DL or basically been arrested for anything.

  2. i had 2 dui’s in KY in 1989, 1 in Broward Co, FL in 1992, 1 in KY in 2000, KY has a 5 year wash out period, when they said how do you plead to your 1st offence I plead guilty without any knowledge of what florida was going to do, I had not lived in florida since 1992, so I feel like I should be able to try and get the courts in KY to realize I plead under false pretence without knowing I was going to be permanatly revoked ,worse than than that guilt a felony charge i never was even brought to court on, It’s bullshit how in the hell can state senate see a fair conclusion here , Judge you had a public drunk charge in 1982 , step down, people do and can recover from addiction and be very productive members of society, its kind of Ironic , florida has no wash out period

    1. Yes. When charged with a DUI out of state, you really have to hire an attorney to defend you on the charge and seek advice from an attorney in your home state to understand all the consequences to your Florida driver’s license. The Florida DHSMV will treat that out of state DUI as if it occurred here.

    2. I live in Florida for 60 years, since Birth. We all or most of us, plead guilty not knowing that it would be a permanent revocation. As a matter of fact, the law wasn’t even in effect in ’98 when I got my last dui. The judge revoked my license for five years and I met all the requirements set forth by the court and the law, then settled in to wait for the five year revocation to expire. About four years later, I received a letter in the mail advising me my DL were now revoked for life. later I received a letter from an attorney in north Florida that if I paid $99.00 I could join in the fight to get a hardship license and they won their case. But the DMV gave me the hard runaround, since they were not happy about the change in the law. By the time I won my right to my hardship hearing, I had been caught driving. In addition to my punishment for that,I had to wait five more years for another hardship hearing. This time, even though I am sorely against drugs, my medical records which they require; if any exist, stated I accepted an Rx pain pill from a friend when I tore a muscle in my back. Denied again! I am now a little over four years waiting for another hardship hearing, which I know they will exhaust every effort to prove that I am not qualified to drive even though Florida has a privacy act for medical information, I had voluntarily given them the information they needed to deny me, voluntarily! In my opinion, imposing one sentence in a court of law and then four years later moderating or increasing that sentence is against the constitution of the United States and this is why they justify it by calling it a “Public Safety issue”. I had made up my mind in 1998 that enough was enough so I put down the drink and never picked it up again which was hard at first but 7-11’s Big Gulps became my friend for a while, until I no longer needed that rush of buying a drink from a store. I do not go to bars, I have found that there are other social activities out there that do not require the consumption of alcohol.

  3. I have 4th dui in 10 years..may of 2012 will be 5 years since conviction and time served…I have been told as of 10/1/2011 the law has changed,so you can qualify for hardship in 5 years?After you get this license can you eventaly move to another state with this hardship and get a licence in that state or will I only be able to drive in the state of FL?

    1. Yes, the law changed as of 10/1/2011, and now the waiting period is 5 years instead of 10 years if you have a permanent revocation of your driver’s license in Florida because of a fourth lifetime DUI conviction.

      1. What about Speedy trials where the State had No Counsel(Public Defenders) present in court.5th and 6th Amendments.The court has no Waiver of Counsel,No stanard forms for payment to the Clerks of the Courts for the Public Defender.

        I fell I like I was forced to enter a Plea of No Contest on a Misdemeanor at that Time.Not Knowing that Years later I would Have a Permenant Revocation on a Fourth Dui.

        Seeking to find Relief on Two of the Dui’s without Counsel.Any Help

  4. I got a dui in 1982 when I was 17 years old. After gastric bypass surgery, I got 3 dui’s in 2 months (12/07-02/08). Attorney did not even get one reduced. Is it possible, after the fact, to provide scientific information about my situation and possibly restore driving privileges? I am very active in my recovery. This loss of dl severely limits my ability to grow professionally and personally.

  5. Convicted Felony DUI March 2007.

    Sentenced to 2 years probation.

    Can I get my license after conviction date?

    Or is it after probation date ?

    Cause that adds on 2 more years.

    Also the arrest was in September 2006 !

  6. I had three dui’s in michigan got the 4th in florida in 93. no offenses since then…they called this a felony dui and I was revoked for life in florida. What are my chances of getting this exponged? I live in florida again,my father is here, elderly, I really need to be able to drive to help him out. What are my possible options?

    1. A person is not eligible under Florida law to seal or expunge a DUI conviction or any “conviction” for that matter. We have a page on our main website devoted to this topic – Seal or Expunge Criminal Records under Florida law. I think you are really interested in being able to drive again. Florida law now provides that even though you have a lifetime revocation in Florida you are eligible to apply for a hardship license after a fourth DUI conviction if you meet all of the requirements explained in the blog post.

  7. 3 duis in fl one in ky one in la any hope for me for hard ship in fl. i called the dmv they said yes twice .iam concerned about when all the hoops start will these other d u i s surfice will i be shot down then. my fl record shows only two duis on my driving record please advise me please thank you robert barrowman dl number b655-766-510280

  8. Good morning,
    A little background first.
    My Fl License was permanatly revoked for multible DUI’s in 1999. I am currently in working on my 14th year of sobriety.
    When the law was changed I had a hearing at the Tampa DMV on Oct 1 2010 at which time was granted a hardship license(they said I was the first in the state to receive this under the new laws). I received my license in Nov 2010. My car is equiped with interlock device and I am under SSS supervision at Tri-County in Lakeland.
    My question is…The law as written states that I must report for supervision at least 4 times a year or as the program requires. Tri-County says No. They said I had to report each mounth for 5 years and bimonthly the 6th year…then it would go to quarterly in the 7th year. I do know of others that are in SSS with Tri-County in the Winter Haven office that are on quarterly after the 2nd year and bi-monthly after the 1st year. I’m wondering if this is Florida law or just their policy? I am trying to cut expenses and the extra $65 a month would help me greatly. Also trying to move to Tennessee so is there any chance of transfering jurisdiction there? The interlock can be transfered to TN but not the supervision. She said I would have to come to Fla each month for that. That is not possible being a single father with an 8 year old in school. I could do this if it were on a quarterly basis.
    Trust me, I’m not trying to beat the system, but trying to work within it.
    Do you see any relief for me here?
    Thank you for your time.
    Mike M.

    1. Florida ia a JOKE and just making money off the whole thing. It won’t stop people from drinking at the sporting events and driving home. If they setup a check point after a football game or baseball game then you would see.

  9. Lost FL driving privileges for 4th DUI. Got Hardship license. Kept our residence in FL for years. Over time, supervision reduced to quarterly but always concerned they would revoke privilege all together. Moved and received restricted Georgia DL. Moved to another state and now have this state’s DL.

    Twenty-five years of recovery. Still fly quarterly to Florida for Supervision; along with urine tests, submit local police reports, pay fines, and so on. Sad it never ends and expensive to maintain. My family cannot believe it can’t be fixed. Paying the price. Who knew? Try to be grateful I can drive at all.

    1. Thanks for the response.Does Florida know you have out of state DL.
      Thats what puzzles me. It seems we would be breaking the laws of 2 states by holding both DL’s

      1. I am also sober 25 years. Live in another state with there normal “Joe” DL. I checked and my FL expired years ago. However I am told by my SSS counselor FL will send out a revocation notice thru out the USA. If I stop going to the quaterely SSS MTG. I’ve been in the FL program for 15 years now. 13 of those years living in NC with a NC clean license

  10. I am trying to help a man who had 4 DUIs, one in 72,(in Virginia), one in 78, and two in 84. Three of them were in Florida. He has lived in California since the late 80’s, has been clean for years and has a good job here. He had a valid California license for many years, but when he went to renew this last time, they found the Florida hold and would not let him renew until the FL hold was removed. This is when he learned about the changes in FL law and the permanent revocation.

    His whole life is in CA, and he does not want to return to FL. Does anyone have any ideas as to how he can legally drive again? He cannot afford to move back to FL.

    1. OK, now I am confused. I knew the lifetime revocation was retroacted back to the date the law was proposed, but without checking on it, I thought that the law was proposed in 1998 and that my last DUI was approx. 2 weeks inside the date the law was proposed. It’s sound’s like you are saying that it goes back to before 1984. I know of people that were not affected by the perm revoke law that had their 5th dui prior to 1998. Unless they have managed to change the constitution of the US to allow them to include people that were not even subject to a law that wasn’t even considered yet. If he has a perm revoke from a 4th in 84, you need to check his record further for additional reasons he has a perm revoke.

  11. Responding to Dee’s message where she writes:
    Twenty-five years of recovery. Still fly quarterly to Florida for Supervision; along with urine tests, submit local police reports, pay fines, and so on. Sad it never ends and expensive to maintain. My family cannot believe it can’t be fixed. Paying the price. Who knew? Try to be grateful I can drive at all.

    My question:
    I wonder if the other states will someday work together with Florida so when a person moves to another state, they can avoid having to fly back and forth to report to the Supervision in Florida. I mean really…can’t another state take over the Supervision for Florida and if it’s all a matter of money (which is ultimately what it is all about) just send Florida the money?

    1. Don’t ever get into the trap of Florida
      Supervision program. Its all a scam to get people to stay in Florida and take in more money.

  12. I have a reckless driving conviction from 2005, and a DUI 1st from 2009, the DUI my license was susoended so I was charged with that also. I was convicted on habitual driving offender. It has been about 2 years since the DUI. I am currently working and need a license for my job to continue, I am getting the run around from Florida on how to obtain a hardship/Business purpose license. Do you have any sughgestions or what should I do?

    1. iread in west law that it takes two felony convictions and two mistermeaner conviction of dui to get lifetime suspendion i got 3 mistermeanor and 1 felony can i overturn the lifetime suspendions or can i get a license in a common wealth state like virgina

      1. All four of my DUI convictions are misdemeaners, all are in Florida where I have lived since birth. My conviction for driving on a perm revoked license (2004) was a Felony (adjudication withheld) I didn’t lose my rights. I can still vote, but potential employers don’t see the adjudication withheld part. Don’t know if that makes a difference in some other states, but it doesn’t in Florida.

  13. i ahd 4 dui florida took them for life all they wanted was money money , never had a wreck or anything 2 dui was in my 20s 30 years later i got another i was sitting in my car had a open beer slamm got another and was so very depressed went out with friends and the last time a 4th fl. said fck you your done 11 years later i moved to colorado and they gave me a dl , thank you the wonderfull state of colorado ty

    1. Anonymous
      What did you have to do in Colorado to get licence?What did you have to show them,records,etc.
      Did they know about Florida?

      1. 3 dui’s in Virginia, 1 in 1982, 2 in 1984, 1 in Florida 1992. Now I live and work in Wisconsin. Even if I were to comply with Florida, which is impossible anyway because there is no way I can afford to fly to Florida once a month to attend their special supervision program. Wisconsin will not honor the occupational license. Colorado is the only way to go for me too. Except for the fact that it would be quite an undertaking to have to find a job in Colorado, quit my job here and relocate, I would already be there.

        I’ve been sober now for 12 years and have a clean record. There is no reason why I should not be allowed to drive now especially since I have more than paid the price for drinking and driving. It’s been over 20 years of having to burden other people with my transportation needs.The lawmakers of Florida and every other state in this country who honors such a law are just plain assholes in my opinion. Even some murderer’s are forgiven at some point and allowed to resume a normal life.

        1. I know of two people in California in a similar situation (both have been sober a long time, have good jobs (and for years had valid CA licenses, until Florida changed their law)), with California recognizing Florida’s very restrictive law. Is there a chance that your first DUI was a plea without an attorney? Maybe that would be a way to get that one eliminated? This law is a very difficult one, as it was passed after the first offenses…

      2. I didn’t know I could do that. Even after 30 years? I’m quite sure I didn’t have a lawyer at the time of that first conviction, but even if I could get Virginia to expunge that 82′ dui, would Florida then be obligated under the law to reverse their permanent revocation conviction? Would I need a lawyer to accomplish this?

      1. Yeah, that’s what changed the law now to allow 4th and up offenders to be able to get a license…
        ya might have the blow the whole house in Tallahassee to get it changed anymore…

    1. Let’s all protest my 4 th dui was21 yrs ago. Florida is a terrible state for dui and it is about money….I have lived here all my life.

      1. That is right it is all about the mighty ole dollar. The sad thing is the lawyers who have big holes in their pockets. There is no effort for justice reform there is no redemption no biblical principles. Just fill the streets with the homeless and keep racking and stacking them in jail. The both parties allowed this monster to grow and who are Demoncrats and Republicrats lawyers.

  14. I’ve had 2 DUIs in Fla. There’s a new law that states that if you refused the first one then you refuse the second time you do 60 days. Also the the new insurance form is FR-44 instead of SR 22. Do to all the frawdulant cases in Fla. Insurance companys charge 5,000 or more per year and you must obtain it for 3yrs. I can image what it coast after 4 DUIs. Good luck to everyone.

  15. What are the ignition interlock requirements associated with Florida Hardship Licenses? Massachusetts requires anyone on a hardship license to use an ignition interlock device. Does Florida have the same requirements?

  16. I had two Dui’s and convicted in court in the 80′ and 90’s with no Public Defender or Attorney.On my 4 Dui I went to prison.I filed pro se motions(3) to find out how the court can convict me on a Felony when I had be denied Counsel in two previous Dui’s.I would like these removed from my records and get my Drivers License Back.
    I have completed all that DMV has required me to do,ie interlockClasses and Counseling.
    The Right to Counsel Ignored in Northwest Florida.

  17. I have 3 dui’s in fl from 1998. I was sentenced to three yrs in fl D.O.C. for dui and none related dui charges. I was released in 7/00. I moved to Ohio. I got 2 more dui’s… Now Ohio will let me have my driving privileges back; However,FL has a hold on me cause they pulled the Ohio duis and added the duis to my Fl DMV saying I have 4 or mor DUI’s. How is that possible??? thank you.

  18. Law Makers are dropping the ball here, people overcome youthful wild and or addictions.I have a brother who had 4 dui’s over 36 years and the first one at age 19 was the only deserving one. Nobody was ever hurt and a bad tail light had him pulled over otw home from a work outing for #4 in florida 24 years later..He tried to defend against it w a trial and lost??? Florida gave him 4.5 years in state prison with the bad guys . He had never been in jail and went through F HELL…now he lives with me in massachusetts and cant get a license…he is a proffessional appraiser. He lost his home, his wife and kids and he doesnt drink but only an occasional glass of wine??? Pretty Harsh I say….so he has applied for SS disability, Welfare, Workmans unemployment benifits, Food Stamps…….So..Florida, Mass, RMV’s everywhere…I hope your happy, youve aided in ruining a good mans life…..

    1. I agree the law is ridiculous. My first dui was in Virginia 1982. I was only 19 at the time. That was over 30 years ago. My second and 3rd dui was 1n 1984 and the last one was in 1992. I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol in almost 13 years. Even if I still lived in Florida I still wouldn’t be able to get the hardship license because of the cost. The dmv has made it so complicated and expensive that many people couldn’t afford it anyway. Yes, they have pretty much ruined my life also. I realize that I have to take full responsibility for getting behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated, but since then I have more than paid the price and suffered for my crime. Now I’ve had to struggle for the last 21 years, not being able to find decent employment and being dependent on someone else for transportation for over 21 years. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The lawmakers of Florida and the Florida DMV and every DMV in this country who goes along with Florida are just plain assholes. It’s not about public safety either. I asked a lady at the Florida DMV back in 1997 what the statistics were regarding dui’s and if there was a reduction in dui’s since the permanent revocation law went in to effect. She said no. Arrests for dui’s were about the same yet the arrest rate for people driving on revoked dl
      s had increased tremendously. I don’t remember the percentage she have me because it was such a long time ago but I think the penalty for driving on a permanently revoked license is a felony and you can get 3 years in jail. Isn’t that nice. Job security for the judges and jailers. It’s all about money and the business of keeping people trapped in their little judicial web.

    1. I’ve listed below the minimum manatory jail time and statutory maximum jail time which depends on the way the DUI is charged. A fourth DUI can be charged as a felony which has no minimum mandatory jail time required (although the prosecutor might still ask for jail time). Additionally, in a felony DUI case the scoresheet might indicate that a certain amount of jail time is required but that depends on the otehr charges and prior offenses. A fourth DUI might also be charged as a misdemeanor especially when the prosecutor cannot prove up one of the prior convictions (because it is too old or the defendant was not represented by counsel or for other reasons).

      Those misdemeanor charges may come with statutory minimum mandatory jail time – for instance, a third DUI within 10 years of any prior conviction comes with 30 days in jail with at least 48 hours consecutive. But those period of manatory jail time apply only if you are convicted of DUI. If the case is reduced to reckless driving then no jail time is required.

      Also, even if manatory jail time is required by statute for a second or third DUI, at the court’s discretion, the court may allow that jail time to be served in a residential alcoholism or drug abuse treatment program, with credit day for day awarded toward the term of imprisonment.

    2. First Conviction: Not more than 6 months. With BAL of .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle: Not more than 9 months.
    3. Second Conviction: Not more than 9 months. With BAL of .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle: Not more than 12 months. If second conviction within 5 years, mandatory imprisonment of at least 10 days. At least 48 hours of confinement must be consecutive.
    4. Third Conviction: If third conviction within 10 years, mandatory imprisonment of at least 30 days. At least 48 hours of confinement must be consecutive. If third conviction more than 10 years, imprisonment for not more than 12 months.
    5. Fourth or Subsequent Conviction: Not more than 5 years or as provided in s.775.084, Florida Statutes, as habitual/violent offender.
    6. my brother had 3 before 24 yrs old and got his fourth at 52 yrs old ….he had a tail light out and was pulled over…the officer smelled the alcohol even tho he was barely over limit, did 4 years in jail at st port lucey….he was a proffessional, good family etc….because of so much confinement time he talks to himself and hears voices because of a shit florida corrections system full of people who dont give a crap. lost his wife and 2 children by time he got out and has cost his family thousands because he cant work w out a hardship license….THE LAW IS 5 YEARS from time he gets out he can apply for hardship license…………

  19. To whom this concerns,
    I have not had a drivers licence ,for eleven years. My 4 DUI’s took care of that. I have been sober, and have never driven since. To scared of going back to jail. My friend told me, ” buy a $400.00 dollar and put my old tag it.. I thought she was out of her mind. I was already in big trouble . Why do something more idiotic. I sent the tag back in. I need to help my best friend and landlord Now! He has Lung cancer and I’m so hurting for him. Please tell me what I can do to help him, after he either gets better or the worse happens. I will send the license back.. Please help me and tell me what I need to do.. Please All My THANKS

  20. I had 3 DUI’s 2 at age 25 and 28 obtained CDL even after my third in the state of Maryland while traveling in Florida got my fourth DUI stay in Florida to take care of it higher ed a Lawyer who said this was my first DUI in Florida free bargain and get your license back I surrendered my Maryland CDL and proceeded to sit out refusal one year suspension was then told and giving a Florida license
    for 2 years with breathalyzer restriction and insurance at 4:44 this was 3 years after the conviction 14 days after we movie breathalyzer and lowering my insurance Florida permanently revoked me I cannot get out of St Johns County letter to the judge refused to reopen my case because are statutes of limitation even when my lower admitted on the stand I’m his lack of knowledge of my driving record then hard another attorney to reopen case judge and prosecutor refused I’m 67 years old and they won’t the 77-year-old man a hardship license where can I go to get driving privileges can anybody help

    1. Hi skip, ,,Florida has ruin my lifr,,i moved here from.Maryland on a valid driver license, ,i surrendered my.license without checking thr laws, ,,now im revoke for life,,my last dui in 2002 ,,all in Maryland, ,so i want tobbecome a Florida residents, ,,they gave me a valid Florida license then July 28 2014 i got the notice in my saying im.revoke for life ,,snd can’t even get bsck my Maryland license where there’s no citation on it, ,

  21. Anyone lately got a Drivers License
    back in colorado after a 4th in Florida?
    I hear people doing it and just stay out there. Florida seems to want to keep people in their programs for life for more and more money.


  22. After the five years of interlock on car
    with 4th DUI, what does the supervision
    program involve. They say you have to stay in the program, what does it do?

  23. There are a lot of sites out there where people in “our” situation are seeking advice about how to get their license back after four DUI’s. My license was revoked for five years after my last DUI in 1998, that was sixteen years ago.

    I have no other criminal records. After waiting 4.5 years of my suspension to get my license back, I was informed by a form letter that my license were now revoked for life.

    I am appalled to learn that they actually went back and re-revoked peoples licenses after they had been driving, safely for years. In 2004 I received a felony conviction for driving on a permanently revoked license.

    At my last DUI stop, It hit me in the head like a hammer, I am an alcoholic and would never be able to drink again and I haven’t.(My attorney was able to get the adjudication withheld so I wouldn’t lose my professional license) but I still did a year of felony probation.

    There are a lot of people advocating for tougher and tougher punishments for DUI offenders, mostly MADD who I believe run the supervisory programs earning them upwards of millions per year. I believe that the only way people in our situation will change this is to become advocates ourselves and work to change the laws.

    Should we have been punished, absolutely! Should we be punished for the rest of our lives, even if they do swear it’s a public safety issue and not punishment: Absolutely not. If we have proven that we have learned and have lived productive lives without alcohol and or drugs(I never used drugs)then we should be allowed to live a normal life including driving a car without restrictions or supervision.

    The only way we will ever accomplish this is to find an attorney that will be willing to represent us in our advocacy. We need to create a petition and get enough signatures from people that are registered to vote in Florida demanding that the law be changed. Who agrees with me on this?

    1. I will definitely sign it. You need to really get the word out though beyond this forum, and I am willing to help in any way I can.

    2. I’m in. Although I am not currently in FL, I will support the cause that can help us recover our driving privileges. It has been 6.5 years for me, and it has been very difficult not being able to drive.

    3. Thanks Mel,

      I’m in. My last (4th) DUI conviction was in 1988. I’ve been sober almost 29 years and got revoked 3 years ago while living Virginia when Florida realized my 1st, 2nd, 3rd and reduced-to-1st actually added up to 4. I had no idea about the law change and was stunned. Had to move to be on a bus line.

      I have some thoughts and ideas for this.


      1. Actually it will have been 18 years, next year. Go to your nearest drivers license office and request a hearing,You will not have been caught driving w/o license I think in five years, you will have gainful employment, If you have consumed alcohol in the past five years, they will know, they are trained to know. You will have completed all DUI requirements for each DUI, you will have proof of it. If you pass the hearing, you will report to your counter attack office for further instructions.

  24. Florida sucks and I would never be in their supervided programs. That is crazy and people need to vote that out and change the law of florida going back as far as they want to get a 4th dui on someone. Hitler ideas and MADD is behind it. They will do the same to text driving
    and MADD will be behind that aswell.
    Its like prohibition all over trying to control people and they nver never will.
    People will text and talk on phones for
    ever which is worse then drinking so what will they do next. Hell they let
    the same sex get married in this screwed up country so what else is new. Gay pride
    in a kids world of Disney World that is screwed up too don’t you think.
    Im glad I would never need to have to go through their programs they run in Florida. You people in Florida need to stand up and fight back to MADD they will
    control you whole driving life if you don’t look out, No kissing in the car, no smoking, no eating whats next I say.

  25. In 2002, I accepted a misdemeanor plea bargain agreement for a 6 month drivers license suspension. It was my 4th conviction. I would have never done this if I would have known about the DMV’s secondary court system that places the defendant on trial twice for the same offence without appointed legal representation or 5th amendment rights in their DMV court.

    Because driving is a privilege, the DMV can impose life destroying secondary punishments at any time. Your Constitutional rights are the only thing not to be considered a privilege in their court.

    To add insult to injury, I won the DMV’s hearing on this DUI charge and had my license reinstated due to lack of evidence. Lack of evidence is why I was offered the misdemeanor plea bargain arrangement on a 4th DUI offence.

    After I accepted the plea bargain from the state, the DMV reversed their reinstatement and revoked me for life on the grounds that I now have 4 DUI convictions, regardless that I had already won the DMV’s reinstatement hearing for this charge.

    I have no felonies, I’m serving a 77 year or life sentence for a 12 year old misdemeanor conviction. This is unacceptable so I had no choice but to move to Colorado. The maximum suspension in Colorado is 5 years unless you killed someone. I will be required to be a Colorado resident for 1 year before I can apply. After approval, I will required to have a breath interlock device for 2 years and must prove alcohol counseling attendance.

    I will do my alcohol counseling in Colorado because as you can see in this article, the Florida lifetime counseling is completely insane. Thank God for Colorado, because of Florida I had no other choice but to leave the United States permanently in order to survive if it was not for Colorado.

    1. So I have had 1 dui in ’82, 2 in ’95 and the 4th in 2005, all in “sunny” So.FL!
      3 of them I wasn’t even drinking, I take prescription pain meds.for my disability. The 2nd one got reduced to reckless driving but after much digging when I got my 4th (which should have been my 3rd) it went from 3 in over 10 yrs. to 4th and a felony and my license is revoked for life. it has been 10+ yrs. since my arrest, 8 yrs.since prison and 3 since getting off of probation. I don’t drink at all, it never was something I did much anyway, so hith would a interlock device work for me?
      Also what exactly are the laws in Colorado? I will move anywhere if I can drive legally ( I don’t drive at all now)!

  26. Here is some great information on this website. Basically; Colorado applies Colorado Law to an Applicants driving record and if they are allowed to drive in Colorado their license will reinstated. Colorado Law allows an applicant with 4 DUI’s convictions to drive again after 5 years. Of course there are no guarantees as each case is different. There is only hope, where there is no hope in Florida. It is completely up to the Colorado DMV for reinstatement and they have different requirements for each case.


    1. Also, don’t freak out about the “Who shall not be reinstated” section in this article. Yes, Permanent Lifetime DUI Revocations shall not be reinstated in Colorado. The Law changed in Florida in 2011 and you can get your license back. For your own best interest, Jump through Colorado’s Hoops instead of Florida’s to get it done.

    2. I appreciate your taking the time to post this information and link. Thank you, also, for the follow up regarding DUI revocations.

    3. Don’t forget, that with a Colorado DL, you can only drive in Colorado, that means you would have to live there.

      1. You are correct, you must complete Colorado’s DUI program before full reinstatement. I have already talked to a Colorado DMV hearing officer. Under normal circumstances with 4 Out of State DUI’s after 5 years from their last Driving Offence; the applicant must have a Driver Breath Interlock device, SR-22 Insurance and complete Alcohol Counseling. This is normally for a period of 2 years.
        After successful completion of the program, your License will be fully reinstated and Colorado will send a Writ of Reinstatement to the National Driver’s Registry. Florida has the right to not recognize your license for driving in Florida. But even as much as they would like to be, Florida is not the DMV of the United States. All the other states fully recognize a fully reinstated Colorado Driver’s License. You just have to keep the property you own in Colorado as your new main home address for taxes, social security, etc. even if you are spending a lot of time somewhere else on “vacation”.

    1. My Florida DL were initially revoked for five years. I’m not sure of the exact date the permanent revocation passed, but about a year prior to the end of my revocation, I received a letter stating that my license were now permanently revoked because the law was proposed in 1998 and retroacted back to the date of the proposal, which I think was about two weeks before my 4th and last DUI.

  27. A lot of people in our position have wondered what we can do about it. For the people that got their life sentence from the Judge, I don’t see much hope. Lobbying against MADD is a loser, let’s face the facts that we would not have a friend in the world in this quest. However, a lot of people who I believe can be saved are the people who received their life revocation at a later date from the DMV.
    I believe that if a law firm were to open a website and collect 60,000 signatures from Florida Registered Voters, it would be possible to have a Class Action Amendment placed on the Ballot to be voted on by Floridians. The Amendment would be designed to limit the DMV’s Administrative Suspension authority in regards to administering greater punishments than the judicial system for the same offence.
    This is America, no Americans agree with being tried twice for anything. If the Amendment is worded and advertised properly, it would be Voted in with flying colors. The DMV has about the same approval rating as congress, they would lose big time if such an Amendment was to make it to the Florida Ballot.

    1. Also, have a Secured Credit Card Donation section on the Amendment Creation Web site to get it done. A lot of people have been hurt by this, the money will flow in with the signatures.

  28. Colorado has some brains, not like
    florida nut jobs. Plenty of nice property
    in Colorado too. Just make the move and enjoy. I did.

  29. Don’t freak out about collecting the required electronic 60 thousand signatures from Florida Registered Voters. Placing a new proposal on a Florida Ballot is easier than what we have had to endure for a decade. We have life sentences, it’s not like we have to hurry. Once started; I’ll get the proposal placed on the immediate view list logging in to Youtube. I don’t care if it cost me 50,000 Dollars to do so, and I am not alone.

    1. I have changed my mind and not going to pursue this any longer because I have moved to Colorado and I’m happy again. For the law firms that may pursue this; One mass advertisement on Florida Facebook would get the required electronic signatures within a week at the most.

  30. Nick your right, I have also already moved to Colorado Springs and have a Beautiful View of The Garden of the Gods Mountain Range. I am in the process of getting my Colorado Drivers License too. I need to forget about Florida and not worry about fighting their system any more. My life already has meaning again without Florida in it. I must admit though, it done me a lot of good to vent out years of stored rage on this website. Best wishes to everyone that is going to continue in the their fight for freedom from the Florida DMV.

  31. I moved here to Florida, ,from Maryland on a valid driver,license, ,,well i surrender for a valid Florida license and two months later i got a letter from highwayssafety im permanently revoke for life due to my pass Maryland driving record, ,,i been sober over ten year,,last dui in 2002,,did jail tine ,,interlocking in car for three years,,,and now Florida took away and i even csnt ho back and grt mu Maryland license

      1. No,,,im.in that process in.trying to get a hardship but i shouldn’t be going thru all this again, ,are they going make do interlocking again? I already did all that over ten yrars ago,,,how csn they make put interlocking back in my car when all i did was turn in a valid Maryland license in,,,no citation over ten years, ,,

    1. Your Best Bet is to contact the Maryland DMV Hearing Office by Telephone giving them your Maryland Drivers License Number and request a Reinstatement Hearing. Even if you have to jump through some more hoops in Maryland, it is nothing compared to the eternal damnation you will receive at the hands of the Florida DMV in their secondary court systems without any restrictions. Their abuse of going after people who have paid for their crimes in the Judicial System is without equal.

      1. Mario, My last piece of advice to you brother is DO NOT enter that Florida DMV Hardship License Program. If you do that, anyone that doesn’t like you can call the Florida DMV and say they seen you drinking and you will automatically lose your License for an additional 5 years before you can even request for a Hardship License again in Florida. That Program will have you retire in a Homeless Shelter even if you keep the Forever Breath Interlock Devices where no descent employer will ever hire you. Get back to Maryland and Fight for your livelihood in Maryland. Read this Blog and understand the destruction of the people who have entered that program.

      2. Thank you Ray for the advice,,,my whole life is upside down now, ,lost my job ,i have two kids, ,i should of check the laws before i surrendered my VALID MARYLAND LICENSE, ,,i been trying every way to fight this, ,,tell me how its fsir that the state of Florida stop and flag my Maryland license, ,,,all i did was turn it to become a Florida residents, ,,its f##K up,,Florida not allowing me to even get back my Maryland license, ,,,im.still eligible for it and no citation on it ,,night mare is unreal

  32. I got the revoke notice in mail on july 28,,,going on 8 weeks now,,my mental state of mind from this is beyond belief, ,,,,unreal ,,,so unreal, ,,,,,,,but people texting or talking on cell phone who kills be accident can still drive with a valid license

    1. Mario, If you’ve got the guts to raise two kids. Then you are in the fight of your life that you will win. First, Get your Family the Hell out of Florida before your depression spreads to them. Get back to Maryland which will be hard to do, but you must do it to pursue your best quick chance for a normal life. Do not get depressed and say the hell with it and drive on a permanently revoked Drivers License in Florida. It is a Felony with a standard 5 year sentence in Prison. If Maryland fails you, then you have to get to Colorado which is your last chance in the United States who will apply Colorado law to your driving record allowing you to drive again. This is what I am doing, it is not easy. You will have to do the Breath Interlock Devices for 2 years and Counseling. It’s your only chance left if Maryland fails you. It’s going to be hard as hell, but this is one time in your life that you can’t hesitate. You have to move fast before you lose your family from the stress of this Nightmare.

      1. Thank you so much for talking with me,,you must no my pain,,its to late my depression has spread among in my family, ,my life is twisted by a twisted law, ,,i have to take meds now cause of all thjs ,,panic attacks, ,,xanax to help sleep,,i worked so hard to get where im.am. at now, ,,but now swipe away in a blink of an eye
        ,cause my VALID MARYLAND LICENSE turn in to become a Florida residents, ,,THANK YOU for. Chatting with me,,i thought i was the only one in this twilight zone

  33. My friend, you are not alone. This website done me a lot of good too when I talked to other people in the same situation. You are not alone. Now Brother, you have do what you have never been forced to do before. You have to fight to survive, we all have it in us. The main thing is that you must not fight unwinnable wars, there is no future for you now in the State of Florida, only grief and pain. You will be successful, but it’s going to be hard and take time.

  34. This is Mr. Sammis DUI Blog, not mine. This is my last entry. Colorado is real. I had my Colorado DMV Hearing today. I have been reinstated, and they are fully aware of my lifetime permanent revocation in the State of Florida. The information I am copying next is taken directly from my reinstatement paperwork for the requirements I must now fulfill to guarantee my Drivers License. No bullshit, no guessing; straight up fact.
    (1) Proof of signing and paying for a 1 year lease for a breath interlock device in my vehicle. (I thought they were going to require me to have it for 2 years; No, the lawyers were wrong, it’s 1 year)
    (2) SR 22 Insurance for 3 years; Yes, 2 years even after the Breath Interlock device is removed. So be it.
    (3) Level 2 Driver Control DUI Counseling; As long as you are attending counseling you are allowed to drive. You will not be granted your full free and clear Drivers License until you complete the counseling. (This takes about 3 months)
    That’s it, God Bless if you have to follow the path I had to take. I had no other options.
    Thank You Mr. Sammis for this website.

  35. The monopoly on people lives to live in Florida CONTINUES…..

    Is my only hope move to COLORADO OR OUT OF THE COUNTRY to find freedom again ?


    I obtained a FL DL back in 1989.

    I received a permanent revocation from FL as a result of my dui that I had received in SC (South Carolina) prior to the FL DL, thus I went to court and was convicted in SC while holding the FL DL in secrecy and turned in a copy of my SC DL to keep my new FL DL and keep driving. Of course the computers did not carry national events linked together at that time so I was ok and successfully drove for the next 15 years without issues.

    Thus I was informed 15 years later that I am prosecuted in FL for filling a false application and the FL DL statue became effective against my SC dui, That actually happened prior to ownership of an FL DL.

    FL just made it as if I had done the event after I obtained the FL DL which is just not so. I was convicted in SC after the FL DL was obtained but the SC dui did not occur after obtaining the FL DL.

    I went and attended treatment thereafter to recover in 1990. I also attended AA meetings and continue to attend AA meetings in hopes to try and show there is a solution for the still suffering alcoholics to gain freedom and happiness while I follow Gods will for my life.

    Personally I admit my faults and I realize that I had a serious alcohol addiction prior to treatment and dui school etc which opened my eyes to a new way of life.
    I have sustained sobriety for 25 years without driving issues on my record.
    I also completed the SC dui course in 2004 as to try to correct my issues with SCDMV requirements in SC.

    I was also reviewed in 2004 by an certified substance abuse counselor with a positive results to be completely sober for the time I have proven and continue this sobriety currently to date Oct 2014.

    I have affidavits and personal letters stating the fact of my sobriety for the last
    25 years from an attorney and persons that have known me all of my life that know my success in sobriety.

    I am also recommended for re-licensing in SC by SC in 2004 which is current to date Oct 2014.

    I am allowed to obtain an DL in any state in the USA, with the exception of the FL legislative law that continues to destroy my livelihood and be able to work or go for groceries, hospital visits, at the veterans hospital, which I am an honorably discharged veteran, or for even the most basic needs to survive.

    My home is in foreclosure due to FL non compliance to the United States Constitution in my opinion.

    The right to work in the United States has been completely overruled by this Fl legislation thus breaking the law in my opinion and is unconstitutional with unethical practices of law by the state of FL (Florida).

    None of my events happened in FL.

    I only obtained the FL DL & returned to back to the original state SC.

    FL is acting in contradiction of SC PARDON LAW even today.

    I currently am PARDONED of all events in SC.

    The law of the PARDON of SC clearly says, The offenses are forgotten and obliterated, as a result the offenses never occurred and that I am relieved of all the legal consequences of my crime and conviction, direct and collateral. Its certainly an improper punishment for FL to use my SC convictions as violation of the FL statue on dui convictions.

    Any events that may have occurred prior to owning an Florida Drivers License would have no reflect to my abilities to drive since I did not have nor was I under the Florida Drivers License Statute on dui convictions.

    This also shows the NATIONAL DRIVERS REGISTRY to be reporting false information to the state of FL which is also a practice of unethical behavior.

    Further information on SC ( SOUTH CAROLINA SUPREME COURT in stat v. Baucom, 340 SC 339, 531 S.E.2d 922 (2000)addressed the issue in effect of Pardon on dui offenses. In Baucom the defendant was convicted of driving under the influence dui, second offense.

    Defendant appealed in that his prior dui offense was Pardoned and argued that he should only have been charges of dui FIRST offense. The court of appeals affirmed but on writ of certiorari, the Supreme Court overruled the court of appeals and held that PARDONED convictions could not be used to enhance current offense.

    The South Carolina Court of Appeals based its holding on the theory that a Pardon involves forgiveness, but not forgetfulness. In other words, a Pardon forgives the punishment for a crime but does not forget or obliterate the act of the commission of the crime. The SUPREME COURT DISAGREED.

    The South Carolina (SC) Supreme Court held that the Pardon Statue relieves the convict of “all the legal consequences of his crime and conviction, direct and collateral, all civil rights are restored.

    As far as SC South Carolina LAW is concerned, the effect of a Pardon is that THE OFFENSES NEVER OCCURRED, effective July 31st 2013 and bearing approval of the SC South Carolina Board of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services on August 2, 2013 Copies available and have been provided to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), the SC Clerk of Court of Richland County Columbia SC, the SC Department of Motor Vehicles, to update the records, and so forth I have proven my innocence from further unethical behavior by the state of Florida statue an dui.
    Based upon all of my evidence of proven sobriety, following all of the requirements to be reinstated and have been reinstated by the (SCDMV) South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles with a letter proving so, all events that ever occurred in South Carolina have been PARDONED, again relieving “all the legal consequences of my crime and conviction, direct and collateral, all civil rights are restored.

    Florida has no reason to post such inaccurate information, nor does the National drivers registry, since every event is absolved from record.

    Since this is the case, I respectfully request that Florida remove the notation on the National Drivers Registry that show my Drivers is permanently revoked.

    This will in effect correct the wrongful doing of (FLHSMV) Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles with further UN-due continued wrongful punishment of an innocent person by FL statue on dui.

    Please with your permission place this information of your website so that others could possibly find an opportunity to regain their life and learn there is a way without alcohol for those that still suffer from addiction of alcohol NO MATTER WHAT ISSUES OF LIFE ARE AT HAND. I am very grateful to be sober for the last 25 years.
    Thank you for having this blog http://tampaduiattorney.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/floridas-rules-for-4th-dui-hardship-business-purpose-only-employment-purpose-only-permit/

    I look forward to hearing from you at Sammis Law and your response by email I provided on your site.

    I will release full information to you personally at that time of contact and request.

    Warmest Regards,


    1. I feel your pain,,i been dealing with deep depression cause what Florida did to me.i moved to Florida a year ago on a valid Maryland DL,,my last dui was on2002,in Maryland, ,anyway i surrendered my Maryland DL for a Florida DL due of residents, ,after driving on a valid Florida DL FOR Two months, ,i got a letter in the mail onjJuly 28,2014 saying im revoke for life, ,,i turn in a VALID MARYLAND DL ,,and now there saying i can’t get that back, ,,im a single dad of two teenagers, ,i lost my job,,behind in bills, ,im now just got food stamps, ,and collecting unemployment, ,my life is ruin, ,up side down,depression has got me a difference person

    2. I said I was done with this website but there are to many professional people getting destroyed by Florida to not try to help answer an intelligent comment. The answer is YES. Colorado or Overseas. Hurry and start your process in Colorado, MADD is already lobbying in Colorado to close the last loophole in the United States by trying to change Colorado law. Get Grandfathered in before they are successful, and they will be successful. Stay away from Denver when you apply, to many DMV politicians that will give you the maximum or not reinstate you at all. Colorado Springs is as close as you want to get to Denver for success. The smaller the Colorado town, the more laid back their DMV is.

  36. Ray I appreciate your comment and what I am working toward at the moment is since I did get all my DUI PARDONED in the state of conviction, I have finally found that it is the responsibility of the Dept Motor vehicles to update the POINTERS TO THE NATIONAL DRIVERS REGISTRY, which is what is actually doing the reports to FLORIDA, thus they can enforce their bureaucracy against innocent PARDONED citizens. I am writing a letter to my attorney today to have him send a letter of notice to this effect the DMV they must remove the POINTERS TO THE NATIONAL DIVERS REGISTRY, to stop continued unethical punishment, and unlawful punishment by the DMV, since all DUI are PARDONED. THEIR IS PRIVACY LAWS TOO THAT PROTECT YOU ALSO FROM ANY OF THE EVENTS BEING POSTED ONLINE OR ANYWHERE PUBLIC INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE. THE CLERK OF COURT MUST ALSO BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT MAIL REQUESTING THE REMOVAL OF SUCH RECORDS ALSO.




    DL# 11111111
    SS# 111-11-1111
    DOB: 11-11-1111
    PHONE # 111-111-1111


    To Whom It may concern:
    YOUR STATE Department of Motor Vehicles
    Register of Deeds / Clerk of Court / Records

    It has come to my attention since my pardon issued on DATE OF PARDON, continued listing of any public records is non-compliant with current privacy of my prior criminal records, or any records of evidence pursuant to the dispositions of any of my cases in the state of YOUR STATE are hereby requested to be REMOVED, VACATED, DELETED, DESTROYED, FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, including any pointers to THE NATIONAL DRIVERS REGISTRY which is PUBLIC information, at this time, pursuant YOUR County Judicial Circuit Public Index.

    A copy of my YOUR STATE Pardon Number 11111 by LAW has been provided to the YOUR County Clerk of Court, YOUR LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION, and YOUR STATE Department of transportation to remove pointers concerning my old history of records to the National Drivers Registry, and or any offices concerning the updating of records including the Public Records Index, for privacy of my information on Pardoned events, that so stated in my YOUR STATE Pardon The offenses are forgotten and obliterated, as a result the offenses never occurred and that I am relieved of all the legal consequences of my crime and conviction, direct and collateral, it is so ORDERED that said YOUR NAME BE PARDONED, effective DATE OF PARDON and by this action, is ABSOLVED from ALL LEGAL CONSEQUENCES of ALL the crimes of YOUR County YOUR STATE on record prior to pardon date DATE PARDON.


    Warmest Regards,

    Signature: _____________________

    1. I wish you the best of luck. Unfortunately with my experience in Florida is that you have no chance whatsoever. Florida Law clearly has been written so that there shall never be an expungement or a pardon for any DUI conviction in the State of Florida. The Florida DMV will not recognize such actions from other States because they are enforcing Florida law on all Florida drivers license holders regardless of their past residences or adjudications. The Florida DMV has the legal right to do this and they are MADDly laughing about it.

      1. I know your angry. From 2004 until 2010, I had to work in Baghdad Iraq. From 2010 until early 2014, I had to work in Bagram Afghanistan. Hellholes that don’t require drivers licenses. If it was not for Colorado, my next tour would be at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Unless if you wish to go through what I already had to do for the next decade, get your ass to Colorado. I have had years to dwell on other options. There aren’t any left for a normal life except Colorado.

      2. New rules 4th offense drug driving law is a ten year suspension why is that not the same for drunk driving? Is this paving the way for a change in DUI laws? If so isn’t time for a draft Sammis Law.

  37. Florida is a joke, ,,if u murdered someone in another state a week.ago.and then come to Florida and kill someone and get caught, ,Florida wouldn’t charge u the other murder from the other state, ,,but if u have dui over 20 years old and from another state and u come to Florida live they hold the other dui from other state and over 20 years old against you, ,,i will not go thru the SSS hardship programs, ,That’s bullshit, ,,i did my time, pay my dues ,,had intrrlock for three years ,,been sober over ten years, ,,,fucking turn in a valid Maryland license and the fuckers revoke me for life cause of Md record, ,and they treat liked shit over the phone, ,they make me feel worthless, ,im done and angry ,,going back to Maryland where im eligible for my DL,,,,i take a chance driving without a DL. In MD ,instead of here where its a felony, ,completely wrong, ,unjustified, ,,,to ruin good people lives, ,hell im on unemployment, ,food stamps, ,and got Medicaid for me and my kids cause flordia turn my life ip side down

  38. I to have 4 dui’s the last one in 1997 I have been sober for 13 years and have had no other offenses. The problem is the state of Tennessee has given me a clear license I have no traffic tickets or DUI’s. Florida is not happy about it and will not use my clean record of nearly 4 years to apply for hardship wanting to wait another 5 years. The state of Tennessee is well aware of my driving record and I did not lie to get the license. This ruling is not about road safety but a failure program to keep you in the system and money Florida has the most corrupt and greedy legal system in the nation.

  39. Update of Information for anyone getting their Normal Life back in the State of Colorado after receiving a 77 Year Lifetime Driver’s License Suspension in the State of Florida. I have already had my Driving Privileges Fully Reinstated in the State of Colorado by following the Requirements of the Colorado DMV Hearing Officer. Today I was given my next step of paperwork to complete from my Colorado DUI Driver Control Counselor. It is from the Colorado Department of Corrections, The Interstate Compact Department. It requires that I go down to the local Police Station and get fingerprinted along with some other requirements. The name of the form and additional requirements are listed below;
    Notification of Out-Of-State Offender Placement (C.R.S. 17-27.1-101)
    (1)Release of Information Waiver Form
    (2)Registration Form
    (3)Court Documents
    (4)Client Questionnaire
    After Completion of this form it will be sent to the State of Florida as a member of the Driver Compact Agreement. By law of the Driver Compact, Florida has no choice but to honor the Reinstatement authority of the State of Colorado and Fully Remove their Driver Suspension in both the State of Florida and in the National Driver’s Registry Nationwide. Your Colorado Driver’s License will not only be valid in the other 49 States, it will also be Valid in the State of Florida. Florida must abide by the law of the Compact Agreement or Lose their Membership.
    If you decide to move from the State of Colorado to any of the other 48 states besides Florida, you can also receive that States Driver’s License with no problems whatsoever. However, even though your Colorado driver’s License or other newly moved to States Driver’s License are fully valid to drive in the State of Florida you must never move back to Florida. If you move to the State of Florida and apply for a Florida License again with your new Valid License, they will Re Suspend your newly issued Florida License for a 77 year life term and you will be right back where you started.
    I will keep you posted as my Paperwork clears if I run into anything else, Take care.

    1. Hi Ray. I am lifetime revocation FL DL. I currently live in HI, but am considering relocation due to DL issue. Is there a way that I can contact you for more CO information? Thank you.

    2. I’m curious…if you get granted the permission to be in the Florida hardship program through Administrative review, do you forever remain in the hardship program, or do you eventually earn a “real” driver’s license?

      1. After 5 years according to your obedience. It is a huge process after your hearing just to get to start driving with a hardship license. And save you some money…probably around $3,000.00. And once a month you will be supervised. Hope this help.

    3. Brian, Here is the full procedure to correctly get your driver’s license reinstated in Colorado after a lifetime revocation in Florida. Colorado is the only state left that will do this and MADD is lobbying hard to change Colorado law and sink the last lifeboat in the United States for people like us.
      (1) Go and get a Colorado ID Card, Do not apply for a Colorado Driver’s License. You must be a resident of Colorado for 1 year before you will be granted a DMV Hearing.
      (2) After 1 year has passed on the issue of your Colorado ID card, go and to the DMV and request a Driver’s license, you will be denied a license because of your suspension in Florida. They will give you a “Colorado Driver’s License not issued” document that has your Florida information and a new Colorado Pin Number.
      (3) Using this Document’s Pin Number, you have 60 days to request a DMV reinstatement hearing where Colorado applies Colorado Law to your Driver’s License as if all of your offences occurred in Colorado, the same as Florida automatically adjudicates as if all your offences happened in Florida on a Florida Driver’s License. You must contact the Driver Control office in Denver, the phone number given on the Document is useless. I looked them up on the internet and found a different phone number and got through to a human instead of a machine. I was then able schedule my hearing in the Colorado city which I live.
      (4) At the hearing there are two major concerns; how long have you been without a License and do you owe any money in any other states. If you owe any money on fines in any other states, you will be denied. The maximum driver’s license suspension in Colorado for DUI is 2 years. I don’t care if it’s your tenth DUI, it is still a Misdemeanor with a 2 year Driver’s License suspension in Colorado. Colorado gives multiple offenders lengthy jail terms for DUI, but after you serve your time they give you your License back. Unlike Florida who has even longer jail sentences and you never get your license back.
      (5) After the hearing, you will be given a list of requirements that you must mail in proof of completion to the Driver Control office in Denver. They will mail you back a confirmation letter that you will receive in 2 weeks to take to your closest Colorado DMV office to be issued a Colorado Class C Restricted License for 1 year. A Class C License requires you to have a breath interlock device in your vehicle for one year.
      (6) The requirements are as follows to get issued your license: You have to go to a Smart Start distributer and have them install a Breath interlock in your car. You have to purchase SR-22 Insurance and will be required to have it for 3 years. You will have to show proof of enrollment in Track A Level 2 Driver Control Education and therapy. This is 12 two hour visits once a week for the education and 21 two hour visits once a week for the therapy. You must then take both the Colorado written and driving test in your car with the breath interlock device and pass both test to receive your license.
      (7) Study, Study, and then Study some more for the written and driving test. They are hard as Hell. The written test ask you everything; speed limits on mountain roads on ice, obscure highway line colors on the road and what they mean, how much a fat kid must weigh before he can be let out of a child restraint and the kids age, etc. I’m not joking. The Driving test is equally as hard. You are graded on all of your body motions while driving. Two hands on the steering wheel at all times. Your hands at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock in certain situations and 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock in others. Looking over your shoulder before you change lanes, Length of distance and time on turn signals, Complete stops and I mean complete 3 second stops at stop signs, etc.
      (8) Finally; you have the interstate compact paperwork as the final step which I posted information on as the topic of all these replies. I was ready to go all in on it when I first posted the comment. Since then I have decided to play it safe in case if there is any more bullshit from Florida and it is not as easy as I have been told. I don’t trust Florida, who does? I have decided to wait until all of my requirements have been completed. When my Colorado license is changed from a Colorado Class C Restricted to a Colorado Class R Regular license after my one year time limit is up, then I will submit the interstate compact paperwork that involves Florida. I have just been burned too bad to know that when you start taking on Florida in a fight, you better go in strong. I hope this information helps you out. But don’t wait too long to get started in Colorado. The loophole will close one day, besides all the jobs in Colorado pay 3 times as much money as Florida. Colorado is not a low paying, right to work tourist state. Good Luck!

    4. Does this still hold true ? Am currently moving to Colorado and have attorney there. If I am no longer a resident of Florida I can drive there ?

  40. Howdy folks. I’m in recovery from alcoholism. I live in Florida and I had 2 DUIS in 5 years I was sober and on the 5 year revocation driving with a special supervision hardship license. I drank for one week and got another DUI this time my third conviction which was a felony with a ten year revocation. I have now been sober for 3 years and can honestly say I never ever will drink again because it will kill me spiritually and physically. I am a skilled tradesman in hvac and also a 2 year electricians s apprentice. The problem is without the ability to drive I am only being compensated with a fraction of what I have the ability to earn with my experience. Does it make sense for me to move to Colorado? I don’t think finding a job would be difficult for me. I would be elligable to get back on the supervision services program this coming August in Florida but I feel this requirements are crazy. They already took all my rights I can not vote own a weapon etc.. I did possibly endanger people driving but no one was ever actually hurt I feel the punishment does not fit the crime. I just want my rights and my life back. I am a good honest person who suffered from a disease and now I have it arrested through treatmemt. Thanks folks

  41. Bill are you permanently revoked in Florida because of four DUIs? And if so when were you able to obtain A Tennesse license.

    1. Tim, yes because of the 4 DUI’s 15 years ago. I received my Tennessee license back in 2011 and nothing was hid from them.

    2. Bill, I now live in Massachusetts because I had 4 DUI’s in Florida. One in 1979, Two in 1991, and one in 2008. After doing 4 years in Florida prison I left for Mass. Mass say’s Florida will report me to NDR until 2017. Would I be able to go to Tennessee and obtain a license? wouldn’t I need proof of residence,,etc..Just wondering.

  42. Hi i got a hearing from DMV in florida , and was granted. but when i went to Tradffic school for interview i was asked if i drank any alcohol , i said no, since my last dui , then i said maybe drank a wine about 2 or 3 yrs ago, and they denied me. now have to go for appeal.but come to find out i did not drink wine it was home made non alcohol sangria, and it was 5 yrs ago .. what should i do get a lawyer plz help thanks

    1. You don’t sound sure about when you drank the homemade sangria, maybe it was longer ago than you remember, check with your friends. Lawyers are not allowed to attend hardship hearings, but “credible” witnesses may or may not be able to speak for you at your appeal, you will have to check on that. Let us know the answer.

      1. A Lawyer won’t help, you’ve been checked off by the Florida DMV as drinking an alcoholic beverage within the last 5 years. Florida law has been written so that another 5 years must pass before you are eligible to apply again for another hardship license. It’s insane, a Lawyer can do nothing under such mandates of rigid law.

  43. How interesting some states to give illegals a driver license. To give people a right to drive that the system has no idea of what kind of past record they have? What about reading street signs that are in English I wonder how simplified their written drivers test will be? They can break the our laws and drive yet the system will not let me come back as a sober productive person back into society.

    1. How can an illegal go into a drivers license office and get approved for a valid drivers license when American citizens have to come up with documentation of proof of birth in the USA, every marriage they’ve had, every divorce, widow(er), residency and review of their driving record from forever and forward? What this tells me is that although my fathers, my brothers and my forefathers fought in every war since this country was incepted for our rights and the preservation of the constitution of the united states….our politicians, who some of them never fought in any war are more concerned with the illegals being able to work and conduct their business than they are of US citizens who’s fathers and brothers fought and died to preserve the ability to be a politician in a free county and allow a group like “you know who” to push for multiple punishment for the same crime. I did jail time for my first DUI when I was 21 years old and pregnant. (Don’t freak, wasn’t pregnant when I got caught) and I’m still being punished for something I did in 1975.

  44. Another thing is I do not know that anybody is aware of but if you are able to get a hardship license. You will not be able to drive yourself to an AA meeting or church. You are required to stay sober on this program but not get to what program helps you stay sober. That is the mentality of the DMV or who ever came up with this program who has a mind of a box of rocks. Don’t they realize that in many work places of employment is where a lot of drinking and drugging goes on.

  45. Protesting in New York does not rely with the problems with the police but the system itself. With the death of the man selling cigarettes relates to what many of us here comment on. When the system abuses its power with nickel and dime offenses and or past offenses haunting people for the rest of our lives. The problem with these protesters and some of us is we are not politically involved. We are so over due in many states for justice reform it is not a race issue or a police issue but coming from the top.

    1. What you stated is the most accurate portrayal of why people are so angry. I am 46 years old. I have a left ventricle blockage in my heart and wear eye glasses with the thickness of magnifying glasses. I have no felonies and have never committed a violent crime. I also have a life sentence from Florida. The young, reckless kid I was when I was 21 years old has been gone a very long time now. Now I am focusing on nothing else except survival in my elderly years when I retire. I agree with a 10 year drivers license suspension for multiple offenders because 10 years is a very long time. In my case, I went from a 6 month suspension to life suspension after misdemeanor court from the Florida DMV. A “life sentence” for a misdemeanor traffic violation. The statue of limitations for a misdemeanor is supposed to be 7 years, Florida found a way around the constitution with the DMV. I would have went to trial by jury instead of accepting the plea bargain as a “first time offender” if I would have known this about this injustice.

      1. yea I’m 51 years old and am still under a life sentence from the prison state of Florida for my actions when I was 18, 20, and 28 years old. Haven’t touched a drop of alcohol for over 14 years.

  46. I was born and raised in Florida. i have 3 dui’s in Florida and 2 in Georgia. on my last dui conviction in Florida i was told that it was my 4th offense and my license would be suspended for life. this was in 2005. i did 18 months in prison for the “4th” offense
    When i was released i moved 3 days after to North Dakota. i met my wife here and we have 3 children together. we bought a house here in 2011 and ive been employed at the same company since 2006.
    I would like to one day get my license back but i will not move to Florida just so i can have a valid drivers license.
    I tried getting a ND license but cant since Florida has a hold on them.it seems stupid to me that a person that moved to make a better life for themselves cant eventually get some kind of license in the state they live instead of saying i have to move back to Florida so i can jump through all their hoops and throw away everything ive worked for here.

    1. I also have 4 DUI’S in Florida and it has been 15 years since my last offense, I also have a license in another state but will not get into that on this comment. I have went to school here in Florida my children are here and my grand-children I know where you coming from about throwing everything away but that is what the Florida system wants is for a person to lose hope and re-offend again. The problem here is we can not run away from it Florida is way over due for justice reform like other states have done. The 75 years DUI record is where changes must be made and it makes sense. The second issue is this 4th offense DUI program which the system thought we would be knocking down the door to do it. They are not making the money they had hoped for which leads to more people driving without a license. It does not allow the offender to drive himself to programs to help us stay sober and basically a second style probation which I have already done my time the program is all about profit not safe roads. Look up justice reform for Florida there is a bill on it on Rick Scott’s desk but it is always doing the same thing expecting different results.

      1. I hope that common sense legislation will be signed into law. Florida legislators worry about generating income over what is best for their constituents. I left Florida because i knew it was a trapped system. Do you have a bill # on that so i can look into it more?

  47. Chase go FAMM.ORG the bill was S.B 360 it was mostly for drug charges but is a start. We need to offer this web site blog to them and start stating the issues we are going thru by contacting them. Look at the interesting facts on how much tax payers are spending on incarcerating people in this state. Check the rate of incarcerating people in Florida compared to other states. Texas, N.C including Georgia and S.C. have gone to justice reform because of ballooning cost of resources.

  48. My license were revoked for five years by a court of law, the lifetime revoke was proposed just prior to my last DUI, but before the five years revocation passed, the lifetime revoke was adopted into law and retroacted back to the date the law was proposed. Does this mean that If I was convicted in a court of law for another type of crime not related to driving and sentenced to prison and a law increasing the penalty for that crime was proposed prior to my offense and later passed, would my prison sentence then be increased to comply with the new law?

  49. This is the beginning of the end of the Colorado loophole to get your license back in Colorado. October 15 of this year, the Governor will sign in new legislation changing the Colorado DUI laws. It does not effect the loophole yet but now that they have started changing the DUI laws, they will never stop changing them. MADD is screaming over Colorado’s DUI laws and are lobbying all of these new changes in as fast as they can.


    1. When you pick the link above you have to scroll down and look in the bottom left hand corner to read the new Colorado 2015 Proposals that will be voted on in October. The Midterm elections when no one showed up and voted has consequences. Colorado is on its way to become a Police State like other Red States are.

    2. Why isn’t MADD screaming about these sports bars with their daily drink specials. Magazines and radio stations that advertise events and drinking event specials. It is like one hand washes the other do they really believe people will just have two drinks at these events. Florida is like oh yea we will just keep making money. What really upsets me is MADD knows nothing about alcoholism and does not care about what it takes to stay sober. What they have really created is a political money maker.

    3. Like I have commented before we can not run all over the country. I still believe Florida can not attain it’s draconian legal system when it is bursting at the seams. No common sense approach is not working in other states and they are making changes in justice reform. Why put a burden on a person who wants a chance to become a productive citizen back into society what logic is the system to make a profit on that but greed.

  50. Here is proposal for this DUI program.If the state of Florida can come up with money to keep people in prison that means the tax payer. Then why not tax payer money to keep people out. For one reform the 75 year law of a DUI record. Number two put a specialty tag one that will reflect at night that you can be stopped anytime because of this tag. If you are truly sober you have nothing to worry about. If Florida is concerned about road safety the tag should not have a special cost. Breath machines should be run by the state not for private profit payed for by the tax payer and they would not complain and any other sobriety test. For one most offenders are unemployed and indigent nearly all have done their time and sentences. The new 4th DUI program is a form of double jeopardy for the state to get us to pay what we have already paid. The idiot who came up with a just going back and forth to work will keep you from having a drink needs a drug test themselves. If Florida can spend millions to keep people incarcerated they can spend something to keep people out.

    1. Bill; If you pick the link I posted above, you will see where one lone fruitcake was busted for his 12th DUI in Colorado in the articles on the left in the link. He is MADD’s new poster child for changing Colorado law. This time they are going to win. It’s what they do, they pick out one person with mental illness and use them to punish millions of people forever. Colorado law is about to change adding Felonies to DUI. It’s the beginning of the end for other people who are trying to get their lives back. People had better hurry to Colorado and start their processes. I am already grandfathered in; unless MADD finds a way to change that to in the future, screwing people who have already got their licenses back by completing the programs required of them.

      1. Ray I am serious this system will not be able to afford the incarceration rate it keeps building. Look at the homeless rate in this nation and that is in part due to the way the legal system operates. The rate of people staying sober and getting sober has gone way down because of this nations legal system. The big book states clearly that we should come back as productive citizens. Much has changed since the time of Bill Wilson even with obtaining employment has radically changed since his time.

      2. Ray, they will go back and re-revoke peoples license in Colorado who had already got them back, it’s what they did in Florida, even to people that had already moved to other states.

        1. I have been in the program since 1998.
          I have been living in North Carolina for 10 years now.
          I got a clean and unrestricted DL when I moved to North Carolina. I did not lie or falsely answer any questions on the NC DL application. I have however continued to go back to Florida every quarter for the 55 dollar etc. visit, including a once a year piss test, DL record check and background check. I have been sober since June 8th 1993. I have outlasted 2 Florida Special supervision offices. I am currently going to the “panhandle” office. My last visit this past Tuesday we talked about this very issue. “She” suggested not returning to see her and I would probably be okay until I tried to renew my NC DL or got a ticket driving in FL. I have talked to multiple Lawyers in the past and they have all come to the same conclusion that if I come to Fl, obtain a Business purpose license again they will take me to a Administrative hearing and try to be released from the program. IE. only if I get a Florida DL. I did have one Lawyer in the past offer that if I give him 10K because he played Golf with the Governor on Sundays, but there was no guarantee either way. ETC, ETC. ETC. I am willing to put at least 10k in the pot for a Legal teem to pursue this issue as long as my Name is “up front” etc.
          Red taped to Florida

      3. To Brian B; My lawyers have told me that the absolute worst possible move I can make would be to obtain another Florida Drivers License in any circumstances. My Florida License is already suspended. I was told to leave it that way now that I have a Colorado license, who is fully aware of my past in Florida. Nothing good can come out of getting a modern Florida license giving them a new tool they can use against me by ordering a new suspension. My advise for you would be to leave the Florida program altogether. If Florida takes any actions against you, then request a DMV hearing in your own state explaining that you have no new charges that they already didn’t know about from years ago. They should reinstate you with no problems if there are no new Florida criminal charges.

  51. LOL, that’s funny, but I don’t think that will happen, but what I do think will happen to some that are involved in pushing for all of this, will have a son, daughter, nephew….etc. That will be in college, at great expense, looking forward to a promising career who will party a little too much a few too many times and who’s potential career and life will be ruined by it.

  52. I would like to here from Sammis to any new changes in the works. About how many people or percentage is driving on a suspended license? What is the rate of incarceration for traffic offenses not homicide related? What are lawyers doing and what is going on with justice reform? Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? I know marijuana is getting a lot of attention including help from Morgan & Morgan I see a lot of lawyers supporting Normal. Mel and Ray we are just spinning our wheels here just venting. Lately it has been just the three of us and nothing coming from the firm or someone else who is a little more connected?

    1. I’m not aware of any new changes in the works. I’m a member of the NORML National Legal Committee, an organization of 600+ attorneys that fight for the reform of marijuana laws. I am not aware of any organization to fight for the reform of the driver license rules in Florida as it relates to prior DUI convictions. I spend my time fighting DUI cases and trying to keep the person from being convicted in the first place. Perhaps someone should start an organization to reform the law in this area as well.

  53. Brian B I to have a out of state drivers license in Tennessee that is motorcycle endorsed and I did not hold anything back on my Florida record. I came back to Florida over a year ago because of family went to Tallahassee DMV and was told I would have to go another hearing. Also was told they know about the Tennessee license and they are not happy about it. They refuse to use my clean driving record in Tennessee no tickets no DUI’s 13 years sober and 1997 was the last offense. They can test my nails, hair and blood and they will not find nothing. I can not take a chance to give up my license up there never could trust the Florida legal system until there is some kind of justice reform here. Like I told Mel the justice system here is bursting at the seams they are not making a lot money from this program. You can not drive yourself to church or AA and is way to expensive especially for people who have already done their time for their DUI’S and have very little success of getting a job. Even if you are on house arrest for far worst crimes then a DUI you are allowed time for shopping, church and substance abuse programs. They know nothing about alcoholism the worst thing is to keep us from becoming productive citizens back into society. Some of us are proof we can come back from hell just give us a little room to grow.

    1. So when you went to Tennessee to get a license did they just give you one or did you have to jump through a bunch of hoops. Did you have to get a lawyer? I’m just wondering if Colorado isn’t the only place to get a DL after permanent rev from Florida.

      1. Bill; You are a very lucky man to have a Tennessee License. The law has changed there since you have been issued a Tennessee License. My first stop 3 years ago in an attempt to get a license was in Clarksville Tennessee. I was denied immediately with no hope for a DMV hearing to assist me. My next attempts were in Wisconsin and Michigan with the same results as they have also changed their laws. Never risk your Tennessee license by obtaining another Florida License in any circumstances. Tennessee will not re issue now with a new Florida suspension in modern times.

      2. eph445; Colorado is all that is left. I just missed the window in Wisconsin before it closed as they were the last one left to hold out before new changes in their laws took effect. Colorado finally saved me, I have searched everywhere.

        1. Even tho I have had a clean NC DL for 10 years I still have to go back to FL quarterly for the rest of my life or Ill have my name broadcasted across the countries DMV registries saying my FL license has been revoked even tho it has been expired for the past 10 years.

      3. eph445 there was a lot of political stuff the clerk of court there was a real person not like the Godless hard ass officials here in Florida. Very few people have gotten this opportunity. Some parts of Tennessee they just do not throw away the key and that is it some places of employment they only back 7 years on your record here they go back a 100 years if they can. I Have over a 20 year old pot charge and have been turned away from McDonald’s in Florida . In Tennessee I never been turned away from a job because of the past. This is what I have been telling Ray and Mel Florida can not afford the legal system as they want it to be they will not tell the public how much it is costing them. Florida is second in illegals that are burdening the legal system and welfare system with 20 million more at the front door. Even though I do not agree with the tactics like I seen in Ferguson and New York people of all colors and ages have had enough of this legal system that incarcerates more people then anywhere else in the world. Florida is only going to hold for so long no matter what Scott says Florida has some serious debt has been mismanaged for to long.

      4. A total of 685,489 drivers in Florida had their licenses suspended in just one fiscal year that ended in June of 2013. Its creating mass poverty and holding people down while producing career criminals out of non violent offenders. Its projected if Florida stays on its current path, an average of a million people a year will be suspended by 2020 while millions of people already cannot legally drive in Florida. They are going to crush their lower classes into a life of crime and poverty that the State cannot handle without immediate justice reform. Florida’s “war on crime” for the sole purpose of unlimited revenue for state funding is going to blow up in their face. Golf Courses and Prisons are Florida’s only future for economic growth.

  54. Washington State issued me A license. Twelve years without in Florida. As long as there had been 10 years with no offense.They don’t look at NDR.They look at a different one American Automobile Association ?I took care of everything in Florida but did not wan to pursue the Monthly flights for Supervision. God Bless my life is Restored. Now if I was to move to California. Florida will take my License.

  55. I have considered writing a petition to the Florida Governor on the website Change.org however, someone with much better writing skills and knowledge of the law than myself should do it. If you’re not familiar with the site, it goes to the inbox of all members of the Change.org site, country wide and gives the receiver’s opportunity to post it to their friends on Facebook and other social sites requesting their signatures and opinions.

  56. Thank you all for your comments here! I received my Florida 4th in 1995. I have not had a license for a very long time. I currently am in the process of the new program to get my hardship license. I have been clean & sober for 9 years! I had to attend Level II DUI school for $420. I then took my certificate to a state hearing which was $12 and was approved. I was also required to see a counselor about my drinking, this is a standard requirement after completing the class. The counselor said he didn’t know what to do with me. I have been clean & sober 9 years! As a state standard I am still required to see him for a minimum of 4 sessions at $100 each. He said the DUI school would not accept anything less. He is used to seeing people who’s last DUI was less than 6 months ago. A complete waste of my time and money but there’s not other choice if I want to drive. I submitted all the paperwork back to the DUI school for the supervision program three weeks ago and have not heard anything back yet. Just trying to be patient. It has been a hard life the last 23 years with out a license as you all now. Like one gentleman said that reckless young man I used to be is long gone! I can’t even put into words what it will mean to me to just be able to drive myself back and forth to work after all this time. I will keep you posted on my progress and costs to hopefully help someone else that is in the same situation. God Bless…

    1. Good luck to you, I know why they do this, but I think most people do eventually learn from their mistakes. Just do your year and blow in the tube without giving into temptation of driving to the store for a pack of cigarettes or something, buy them when you stop for gas. I think that after the first year, you’ll be able to drive most anywhere but you will still have to report and pay supervision fees, forever, to Florida, no matter where else you live. Meanwhile, I’ll be out there riding my electric bike, dodging impatient people because it only goes 20 mph. Stay strong for all of us, we have something to prove.

      1. Yep, just back and forth to work for the first year. Then for basic needs, doctor, groceries, church, etc. the next four years. Then the interlock device comes off but still have to report for supervision every three months.

    2. This is not about safe roads but a profit they can do these measures without the money. They find enough tax payers money to keep people incarcerated but not smart enough to use that money to keep people out. The greed is just sickening they know most people with 4 DUI’s are under employed or not employed due to their record. There is no logic why they do not want people to come back as productive citizens they really have no clue about addictions or sobriety.

  57. Nobody gives a shot in Florida. They make no sense in their crimminal justice system,their jails,their laws and their Banks as they have illegally foreclosed on hundreds of thousands of Americans…nobody cares there !

    1. A normal person can’t blow a 0.24 on the Breathalyzer and function at all. This MADD President has been a closet drunk for years to build up that kind of tolerance. When I started drinking the sickest I have ever been in my life was when I drank 9 shots of Tequila on my 21st birthday. I throw up with dry heaves all night long. I was no where near a 0.24 as a beginner. This MADD President was drinking in the closet while damning people for years.

    2. Please Do Not talk about the Bible that way and holier than thou either! It is Our fault not theirs that had 4 dui s. You ought to be thankful You are still alive or murdered someone while drinking and driving!

      1. I agree, it is not fair to blame it on so called “holier than thou bible thumpers” religion most likely doesn’t play much of a part in this. I personally knew numerous people that went straight from church to the bar every Sunday and didn’t stop drinking at one or two drinks and then drove home. I don’t know them now because I no longer go to bars. And I also agree that “we” are lucky that we didn’t kill or harm someone or ourselves. I’m sure each and everyone of us know that it is our fault we chose to drink and drive.

      2. Gerbelg; I wasn’t referring to the bible. I’m talking about hypocrites in Florida. The ones that are screaming for unforgiving punishments using church influence for their agendas are the worst. It’s not just DUI laws in Florida that are getting ratcheted up every year regardless that Florida is already tougher than every other state. Florida is becoming a police state. Go outside after 10 PM at night and attempt to drive anywhere in Northern Florida and you will probably be pulled over immediately.

        1. I just wanna say, thank God and Sammis Law Firm for this web site. Call Jim Forslund, Attorney at Law 303-332-3602 in Denver Colorado, if you wanna get your license back. Or google him . He knows the proceedings to go through, and is fair priced. That’s his main fortay .I never knew about applying Colorado law to Flordia’s DUI convictions except for seeing it first on this site. It’s unbelieveablely simple. BUT.. you gotta find/have a Colorado residency to have your license mailed to you. My advice to anybody is, to keep your mouth shut durning the hearing and let the lawyer do his job.

  58. There is a difference between bible thumping and bible studying. I have been studying the bible for over 12 years and man made justice and God’s justice are two different things. If you do not believe me read about the Roman Empire in history and how close it resembles America in Jesus time. Greed and power was a big down fall for the Roman Empire and its leaders who put burdens on people that they were not willing to do themselves or live by.

  59. Gerbelg I thank God the compulsion has been lifted from being a low bottom drunk instead of where I should be or could be.

  60. RE:Greed and power was a big down fall for the Roman Empire and its leaders who put burdens on people that they were not willing to do themselves or live by.

    I have been wondering, if a MADD members son or daughter, who already had several DUI’s came home obviously drunk and the MADD member knew that if they had been caught it would ruin their chances for an education or of being employable, would they turn them in?

  61. Mel these new laws and DUI program lack so much common sense from supposedly college educated people. For one the cost they know most people with 4 DUI’s do not have the finances to back it due to their employment opportunities or lack of. So they drive without a license which gives the system a better chance to profit off of them incarcerated. The system knows people have to drive to conduct some means of survival. People everyday drive intoxicated without having 4 DUI’s legal prescriptions is the most abused. The only way for MADD to fulfill their dream is to have every car with a breath machine. What is really a comedy is the programs just back and forth to work but you can not drive yourself to an AA meeting or church or other program like people do not drink and drug at work LOL. You can bet any family member of MADD knows enough politicians that the public would never know about a DUI they believe they are some kind of a super human being who is flawless. Of course they have no clue about alcoholism and addiction and they will tell you they do not care their way is the right way.

    1. You’re not kidding, like the attorney that was the defense for a high profile case that was at a club drinking and the prosecution hired a “woman” to entice him too get drunk so when he drove away the cops pulled him over and charged him with DUI. His DUI was thrown out because it was ruled as entrapment.

    2. After the first year of driving to work only you will be allowed to drive to AA or church. What I can tell you is that when I went before the state review board for the supervision program the ONLY reason I was approved for the program was that I have been sober 9 years. I was told that out of the four people they saw that day I was the only one approved. If you still drink you will not get approved for this program. It even states that this program is only for people who have made drastic changes in their lifestyles.

      1. The 1st hearing I had with the DMV required me to have 3 witnesses. One of my witnesses said he saw me accidently take a drink of beer and then spit it out because I found out it was beer (he was trying to help me by lying) I was denied by the DMV but won my appeal based on false testimony, that’s when they decided not to require witnesses any longer, I guess it was happening a lot. So I was granted another hearing, which I failed because by that time I had been caught driving (my fault). Five years later, I was eligible for a second hearing, they required me to authorize them to get my medical records. I had ripped a muscle in my back and a friend gave me a pill because I was in excruciating pain, I didn’t even know what he was giving me, but because the hospital report said I had narcotics (morphine) in my system, I was again denied, I went to an appeal and tried to convince them that I didn’t know what was being given to me but was denied again, because they didn’t believe me. This I don’t understand, how can they accuse me of being a liar. I am now waiting for five years to go by and plan to request another hearing. I havn’t used alcohol since my last DUI in ’98 and have never been a drug user, not even marijuana. I know they will exhaust every means to deny me again, because that’s what they want to do. A curious thing to me is that I have had a hearing in front of the same person, three times and every time I did she had just had an accident just prior to my hearing, Hmmm I have never had an accident since I started driving when I was 15 years old and that’s 45 years ago. Well that’s about 34 years driving since I havn’t driven at all in eleven years.

      2. I can’t handle any more punishment from Florida. I was in war in Iraq and Afghanistan for 10 years since I last had any dealings with Florida. It’s why I moved to Colorado and I’m driving again with a job and a normal life. I can’t take anymore from Florida. Enough is enough. Florida scares me by pushing until I may break. I’m scared beyond belief what would happen with my intense military training if I ever did snap. It’s why I left.

        1. I understand Ray, it has been a very hard life here. That is all I want also is a normal life! Believe me if this doesn’t work out here I will pack up and be on my way there!

        1. Me too Mel! That is why I will do my best to make it work here. Just nice to know I have another option, where as there used to be none…

  62. Hang in there people Florida can not keep digging itself in a hole. America as a whole is in serious trouble with the trillions in debt. Budget hearings will get underway soon and the criminal thugs in Washington have run out of band aids. Florida will not be able to continue the same old song and dance they know this monster system is about to turn on them.

  63. Most of this legislation is because of crusading Mom’s who had irresponsible children.The same thing has been going on with prescription medication. A man who lost three limbs in Afghanistan will find it harder and harder to get pain medicine in Florida because of statute’s named Ryan’s law. Most “dead kid legislation” is not where the child was an innocent victim but just unsupervised and now the mother takes on a political crusade to blame someone. Now this is not always true, but it is in many instances. Plus, there are many, many people with social work degrees that are married to or know legislators and are mad that their degree warrants only a paltry amount in the free enterprise system..

  64. Every day new micro-brewery’s open, new clubs…Now they have announced that they will start selling liquor in grocery stores. People that have suffered due to loss or injury of a loved one due to DUI want revenge, however they can get it. They may call it public safety, but there is nothing safe about me dodging cars that don’t see me on my electric bike or holding my breath every time I have to walk through my neighborhood to get to a store or work wondering if I’ll make it with my wallet or back with my purchases, or beat up for my possessions, because I can’t ride my bike in the cold or rain. When it could be as easy as a colored background on a drivers license showing that I can not purchase alcohol, much as they do for people who have other medical conditions or restrictions. If I were to purchase it, stores, bars, etc… could be fined for selling me alcohol and I could go to jail for buying it as could anyone else that bought it for me, just like they do for underage smokers/drinkers. They may say they can’t do it because it would be a violation of my freedoms, but is not what they are doing now a violation of my freedoms and rights, the rights of public safety and safe passage.

  65. From recent headlines it seems the most deadliest DUI accidents are caused by licensed drivers.With that in mind I will drive without a license but sober and safely.

    1. Tim that is not a wise thing to do, If you get caught it’s a felony. The first time caught you will do 18 months felony probation, the 2nd time you will go to prison for about five years. Even if you are the best driver in the country, some lousy (licensed) driver could hit the car you are driving, they may get the ticket, but you will go to jail. I don’t know what state you’re in but wait out your five years, don’t drink any alcohol or take any medication that has not been prescribed to you and even if you tell them you haven’t they will ask you what doctors you have visited in the last five years and if you tell them, any test showing you had drugs not prescribed to you or alcohol in your system it will prevent you from getting into the DUI program. And you are right, just because a person has a drivers license, doesn’t mean they know how to drive. Most of the DUI injury and fatalities these days are caused by people using both alcohol and prescription pain medicine. MADD want’s you to screw up, they initially passed the law revoking a persons drivers license for life with no possibility of ever being able to drive again but then changed it to five years proven sobriety.

  66. Here’s an angle I have not seen here.
    It’s the “Safety Council” that is causing
    a lot of grief for people. I think they
    outsource a private “Safety Council” to
    circumvent “ethical” or “reasonable” standards DMV (gov’t employees) would be required to uphold.
    Other states don’t play this game.
    I’m dealing with the duplicitous Safety Council and notice they never give a straight
    answer and never respond in print, always
    trying to come up with another complication,
    another fee, another monkey wrench in the spokes.
    Isn’t there any way to sue these crooks?
    I only have one friggin DUI and FLA has
    a suspension over a 10 year old case where
    I did the damn treatment class.

    1. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

      From:”Tampa DUI Attorney Blog” Date:Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 7:58 AM Subject:[New comment] Florida’s Rules for 4th DUI Hardship / Business Purpose Only / Employment Purpose Only Permit

      Yimzo Gizmo commented: “Here’s an angle I have not seen here. It’s the “Safety Council” that is causing a lot of grief for people. I think they outsource a private “Safety Council” to circumvent “ethical” or “reasonable” standards DMV (gov’t employees) would be required to “

      1. Mario,
        Am curious, why did you resend my message? I would like a lawyer somewhere to address the specific point you mention.
        If DMV is outsourcing quasi-medical goons with profiteering-based motives in order to circumvent gov’t ethics standards then I think that’s the one angle where they can be hammered in court. That’s trouble. Remember Blackwater? Everything I have
        experienced so far suggests that’s what’s
        going on.

    2. How can they suspend your license for 10 years if you only have one DUI? That goes against Florida statute. Were there extenuating circumstances? I have been revoked for 18 years, every time I became eligible and tried to get my hardship license, there was some little infraction (reason) to deny me. Same as the other day, went to bureau of hearings, said I needed my license so I could work, was denied because I don’t already have a job. I don’t have a job because I was taking care of my elderly mother for four years until she passed away in March this year and now I am having to take care of my Older brother who is a veteran of the Vietnam war, who has undergone numerous surgeries and is having 3 additional surgeries for 3 different kinds of cancer. If you think this is hard, try it without being able to drive.

  67. Yimzo, the biggest goal for them is the ole mighty dollar all in the name of safety. The other thing is they know nothing about alcoholism or addiction. They do not care about sobriety that a sober person or one who is in recovery needs to become a productive person back into society. Their goal is money and politics to keep the gears in the machine turning. As I predicted before this will blow up in their faces this nation and Florida is about to go bankrupt. People directing their anger at cops is not the answer it comes from the top with both parties. Our fore-fathers would roll in their graves to see how greedy and corrupt the system in this nation has become. We have illegals getting away with murder and human trafficking and Americans doing excessive time for suspended license.

  68. Mel,

    No, they did not suspend my license for 10 years. Case was closed in late 2008. I have moved to CA and they recently
    sent me a letter saying they cancelled my
    (expired) FLA license, which affects
    all 50 states, I believe. The explanation was Failure to complete Treatment class. It was not easy but I tracked down the documents proving I took the class–the exact ones–and the helpful Treatment class guy
    in another state FAXed them the documents but they still have not lifted the cancellation.
    I notice the Safety Council cronies never want to help clear things up, never give a straight answer, never provide rules in print; I feel like I am dealing with the mob. They provide fuzzy logic and little transparency so they can maximize the malfeasance and hide the corruption–and of course maximize profits by never letting go.
    Maybe Sammis can help me get this squared away. I am ready to sue or whatever it takes to get these people out of my life–I paid my dues and took my classes and I need
    to get on with my affairs and not worry about this 10 year old DUI (my first, my only) anymore.

    1. Their main goal is about profit not safety they have no value on sobriety or people getting back to being productive citizens. Their operation is to keep the gears greased for a system that is never realized that the machine broke along time ago. Our fore-fathers would roll over in their graves to see a system so corrupt and greedy.

      1. Yes, I agree. I plan to start calling
        these nameless bureaucrats, particularly
        at the creepy Safety Council and ask first name,last name of the people I have dealt with, their medical “license” number, their mission statement, what gov’t entity they recommend I turn to if I feel there is abuse,or profiteering, etc. I’m leaving the country to teach soon and I would like to have some fun with their House of Cards before I go. California DMV is way too bureaucratic
        and rigid but nowhere near as blatantly corrupt as FLA.

  69. And you should. I think Sammis is busy these days advocating for legalization of medical products and if he is too busy, You should probably find an attorney in Tallahassee that’s really close to the state capitol and while you’re at it, you might have them take a look at the whole “ddam” picture.

  70. By the way Mel, can you zip around on your
    electric bike without much effort, e.g. a
    mile down the road on a hot summer day?
    Which brand do you recommend?
    NC and VA let you ride a 50cc scooter with no license,that was fun bypassing the DMV obstacle for a while until things settled down. Although as I described above, they never quite settled down.

    1. Here is the Florida Statute: 316003(2)

      (2) BICYCLE.–Every vehicle propelled solely by human power, and every motorized bicycle propelled by a combination of human power and an electric helper motor capable of propelling the vehicle at a speed of not more than 20 miles per hour on level ground upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels, and including any device generally recognized as a bicycle though equipped with two front or two rear wheels. The term does not include such a vehicle with a seat height of no more than 25 inches from the ground when the seat is adjusted to its highest position or a scooter or similar device. No person under the age of 16 may operate or ride upon a motorized bicycle.
      (It has a heavy plastic body that makes it look like a scooter) (it is supposed to travel up to 40 miles on a charge, but I don’t think so) Yes, it would be great if I could ride a real scooter, don’t want to get caught in the rain with this one.

  71. Woo hoo, me happy.
    The boneheads at the Safety Council just cleared me to drive. Just when I was going to go on a smear campaign about their abuses
    and quasi-medical BS (I talked to actual MDs
    about “treatment” and they roll their eyes)
    maybe common sense finally kicked in and they
    realized I was lawyering up and better to
    pick on someone else. Probably some poor guy
    who doesn’t know his rights.

    1. Yimzo, I’m very happy for you. I have not been as fortunate. I went to the administration office for my hearing after waiting out the five year period, this is after two denials, each time having to wait five years. Have not been licensed for 18 years. 1st time my fault, was driving my vehicle, 2nd time hospital said I took an Rx pill that didn’t belong to me before I went to ER for tearing a muscle my back, now they denied me because I don’t have a job. WHAT????? I think it’s time for me to Lawyer up.

      1. Yeah, I would study the parts of
        the Constitution that have to do with
        “Due process” and “cruel and unusual
        punishment” etc and sue, also States’ jurisdiction, since Florida is playing grinch for all 50 States. I think I have offered some significant attack angles for the corny Safety Council who pretend to be doctors but are just DUI profiteers. There’s a FLA atty named Michael Dye I used to know that was kind of an upstart but at least he
        has the chutzpah to take on the establishment. After 40 years of MADD the
        laws are nuts—the back door to Prohibition as one blogger put it.
        Even Candy Lightner who started MADD thinks they are nuts. What more evidence do you need?

  72. You guys should lobby for the equivalent
    of a 1650 waiver like California has.
    They will relieve the suspension in your
    new state if you promise not to return to California for 3 years.
    How can one state impose a sanction in that
    state and not allow you to drive in the other 49 states? Isn’t that a flagrantly unconstitutional jurisdictional restriction? It’s the stigma of alcohol they hide behind and anyone with any appreciation of the Constitution is left in disbelief.

  73. Mel; Amazing how time flies after nearly a year. I have not commented because I have been working so hard to achieve the goal that we all have been striving for. I have only four more mandatory counseling sessions left and I will have completed the Track A counseling in Colorado to remove the Breathalyzer out of my vehicle. I will have a full Colorado Drivers License very soon. The next step, the dreaded Interstate Compact is what I will have to deal with next. This is not easy, please persuade Sammis to keep this blog open until I finish posting the next hurdle of information for 4th time offenders to have a normal life again. Let me post everything about the Interstate compact. the final hurdle that I have next.

    1. Yes, I hope Sammis will keep this blog open for a long time. It certainly gives people who have restructured their lives some hope and an outlet for our frustrations. The lifetime revoke law was passed years after my last DUI, I had one more year to wait out my revocation, then I received the letter stating that it had been retroacted back to the proposal of the law, I had already sworn off alcohol and have never been a drug user. It’s been a hell of a seventeen years, especially when I live in Tampa and worked for six and a half years in Clearwater and the girl I was riding with for the last year and a half of it had three crashes during that time, she is still driving. I was very lucky, I never had even one while I was driving, not to mention on the days she was sick, usually on Mondays, it cost me $60.00 to and $60.00 from in cab fare to get to and from work.

  74. 2009 was my 4th dui. I am now 62. I refused to submit to the breath test twice out of the 4. My question is:Is there a clause that prohibits me from ever getting my hardship permit because of 2 refusal to blow? Seems I read this. If so I’ll just have to retire and give up any future of owning my own business again.

    1. Yeah, I don’t understand how they can use your refusal to blow to deny your hardship, as far as I know the constitution gives you the right not to give evidence that may incriminate you, I believe it’s called the Miranda act. How can you be punished for practicing your rights under the law when in fact you will ultimately be punished for it. It’s the rules of the Florida safety council, not the law, but the law allows them to make their own rules.

    2. No. There is no prohibition on a hardship after the 5 years because of a second refusal. Most 4th DUIs probably involve at least two refusals. [For the 18 month administrative suspension on a second refusal you don’t qualify for a hardship – that is probably what you are thinking of but that only applies to the 18th month administrative suspension].

      1. Thanks for the info.my next problem is I want to go back into being a flooring tile man with my own business. I retired from a corporation due to my wifes disability and could not get to work as traveling was hurting her health. I had a tile business for 10 years before the dui and know I’m good at it. But sounds like I’ll get denied if I don’t work for someone else. Is this pretty true?

  75. What these kinds of laws completely ignore, is that some people can and do change for the better, making a dramatic improvement and putting away alcohol forever.
    I changed, but too late. Have been completely sober going on a decade now (over 6 years to be more precise), but face being punished for the rest of my life, horribly punished, for a stupid mistake I regret I made at age 23, in 2003, in Alaska. (Alaska did a thing similar to this Florida law, only they retroactively applied it to people with their THIRD dui! At the time, I was told I couldn’t get an ALASKA license for ten years. The judge never said anything about a LIFETIME suspension/revocation! This was applied to my life retroactively, long after I moved back to my home state of Washington. I’ve never driven without my license.) It was my 3rd DUI, but my first one in Alaska. The others were from 2000 and 2003, both in Washington. I never hurt or killed anyone, never crashed or had any close calls. I drove extra careful when drunk, but still deeply regret those actions from long ago. I was pulled over every time. But Alaska has decided to permanently suspend my license, making me a social and economic outcast for the rest of my life! What I did was bad, but does not justify causing my entire life to be wrecked, and giving me a life sentence!
    When I was younger, having wheels allowed me to be able to work two jobs with ease, and I had a nice lifestyle and was able to survive. If I ever left a job for any reason, I could drive around and apply at 50 places in a day or two, and would have a new job in one week’s time.
    Now it has been over 12 long, miserable years since I have been able to drive. I can’t even begin to put into words the hellish nightmare that is now my bleak existence, unable to get a job, unable to provide for my children.
    It’s a horrible tragedy when DUI’s result in deaths or injuries, but when they don’t, it’s a horrific injustice and inhumanity to give life sentences like this!!! To say it could take away the incentive to change is an understatement. More effort, time, research, and legislation needs to be spent recognizing the fact that it’s also a tremendous tragedy, and affects many others too, when someone’s license is taken from them for life, rendering them a social and economic outcast. Entire families are destroyed as a result of these simple-minded, draconian, one-sided solutions.
    Not being able to drive is an ongoing, sadistic nightmare that I can’t wake up from, and gets worse the older I get. Yet I continue to stay sober and not drink, and depend on the generosity and charity of family just to survive, and not be homeless. I changed my life and did a complete 180, for what? Hopeless and despairing a little more each day now, with no way out, with huge child support debt, and little if any hope of getting a decent job (It has to be within walking or biking distance of where I live). Pretty much just waiting to die, now at age 35. Have already come very close to at least seriously considering suicide, as a result of my freedom being stolen from me like this.
    I served my country in the Army for 4 years, and I used to believe in what this country stood for, and freedom. Now I know the truth, and the reality is shameful and disgusting. Too many corrupt, money and power hungry, lying politicians with communistic/liberal fascist motivations have been propped up by their cronies and the uninformed. Things like “Agenda 21” are sinister proof of what direction we’re all headed in. It will continue to get uglier and uglier, as more and more of ALL of EVERYONE’s freedoms are stripped away, piece by piece. Their excuses will become more ridiculous, the cover-ups with the corruption and money will become more intricate and elaborate. Yet even as the truth will continue to surface here and there, people will continue to believe the condescending scam media stories, that will press hard to influence people to vote for ever harsher, more inhuman laws and legislation. With less and less rights remaining, people will have less and less to lose anyway.
    As far as the Colorado loophole, the writing is on the wall, as another poster mentioned. Just a matter of time until new laws take effect, and they retroactively impose lifetime revocations for any DUI offense in ANY state. They will probably do what FL did, and even yank the licenses of people who actually went through all the hoops and got their license re-instated, or who have the hardship licenses.

    The only glimmer of hope seems to be to move to another country altogether, and leave this giant prison industrial complex. But after extensive research, I discovered to my alarm, that even other countries will sometimes forbid immigrants or people visiting on visas, if they have duis or driving offenses. However, there are a few countries that seem promising, at least as far as the ability for somebody to move to and get a driver’s license with no extra difficulties or prejudice. One is Mexico. Another is New Zealand.
    My ultimate goal is to move to New Zealand, but getting the money to do that is next to impossible, without a license and good job!
    I now HATE Alaska with a passion, and boycott any products from Alaska, because of what they’ve done to me by taking my freedom, and their unforgiveness.
    It will be the greatest day ever, if I ever live to make it off this island, this United States of Prisons and Police.
    If I could only drive again, I’d have a chance to do really well, and give back to my family and community. Instead, there’s simply no hope because of the horrible system that seeks to enslave and destroy as much as possible.

    1. Hang in there Dan I have been going though it a lot longer then you. It is all about corruption power and greed. I talked to a Florida politician a few weeks ago a Republicrat who said I already had my chances. He also admitted that the system is bursting at the seams it is about to explode in their faces. The civil unrest you seeing in different areas of the nation are not just street thugs but just people who have had their lives altered by this corrupt system. Mark my words Dan this resistant’s is going to keep happening more and more. The talk of justice reform and action is getting hotter everyday the monster the both parties have created they can not control.

    2. Get your Ass to Colorado, Start new. It is not an easy road here either but you better get your ass here while the door is still open. Dude, I’ve got scars to, trust me. I am older than you are. Get your ass to Colorado. What your feeling is only going to get worse as you get older.

  76. The other part of your comment Dan is that people can change negative habits and turn into the best productive people around. I have been sober 14 years they can check my hair blood or nails any time any place and I will come up clean. This system and the politicians mostly GOP including MADD have no value of sobriety they have no clue about addictions. You are more valuable to them staying in the system they are not making a name for themselves or money with us being clean and not reoffending. They believe a alcoholic should learn their lesson with one DUI really LOL we go to hell first and get burnt over and over before the light bulb starts to flicker. I tell you Dan this system is far from biblical and far from our fore-fathers who roll in their graves to witness this system today.

    1. On the bright side, this lifetime driving
      revocation might change. Incarceration
      and penalties have grown sharply since Reagan
      or so and we now have a staggering 2.3 million in jail. Both parties are, gasp, agreeing we have too many laws. And crazy FLorida has 10% of the population (felons) that cannot vote! Talk about obvious need for reform. In the mean time NYC and SF and Seattle are cool places to live with no car, or overseas.

  77. I understand Colorado was to consider new DUI reinstatement regulations in October. Anyone have any news on the outcome?

  78. Wish in one hand ,crap in the other and tell me which one fills up faster…I feel for all of you who are going through all of this,”Hoop Jumping “,BS.

    I also have a life sentence by the state of Florida and live here still.I would love to move anywhere with a job waiting for me…Even out of the country. If anybody has a job for me please help.

    I am 51 with a sales background and can’t sell my way out of this!

    1. Hang in there the system in Florida is bursting at the seams. This is not a hardship program for safety but double jeopardy for making more money on the same offense. It is all about profiting in the criminal justice system. The tax payer is the real victim here more homelessness more people collecting food stamps less people getting sober and staying sober. They have no clue about addictions and could care less they do not value people like us as productive citizens. The bigger the wedge the better to keep the system racked and stacked but every dog has its day and it is coming.

      1. When you said double jeopardy I couldn’t help but respond. I took the DUI class
        in Florida 10 years ago. Then they told
        me last summer I had to take it again to drive in California because I had a Cali license at the time of DUI. Huh??? The guy at DMV in Cali with the authoritarian name “Mandatory Action” committee said on the phone “I can make
        this all go away if you can show you also
        had a FLA license at the time.” Lo and behold I found out that I did and when
        I went to show them they either lost the
        document or told me so send it in another format or…you get the picture…what
        a bunch of weasels at the DMV, 10 years
        after a DUI and they are still giving
        people the runaround. Disgusting.

        1. This all about a corrupt and greedy system that is like a desert that never gets enough rain. Rack them and stack them keep the dockets over flowing. They say they will worry about it later and it is election time. What a day of joy it will be when the system does not have a later. To maybe start all over again in put into place common sense and real justice if this nation survives?

  79. Just wondering about the Miranda act. If a person can refuse to give statement to a police officer without the presence of an Attorney, how can that person be punished for refusing to give evidence by blowing into a breathalyzer machine without advice of council?

    1. I believe the fact that they consider driving
      a privilege lets them get away with “implied consent.” It seems like a 5th Amendment violation to me since you’re penalized for
      not providing incriminating evidence.
      And check out the Delgado case–the Supreme
      Court is considering the 4th Amendment violation by searching blood (BAC) with no warrant.
      This whole DUI thing could be avoided if
      USA had proper Public Transportation.
      I”m in Europe right now and there are taxis
      everywhere. On the other hand try
      to stand on the street and find a taxi
      in rural or suburban Florida or California
      at 11 PM. Fat chance. That’s why I support
      UBER and hear they are making a serious dent in the DUI rates.

  80. Ive been reading this blog today 1/30/2016, My 5 yrs was up in November 2015. In total the fl dmv has been doing this to me since 5/4/2010…7 months before court and 63 months since. I spoke with the scum today at the admin review board and now they want 4 months of counseling before going into the silly crap shoot they run. I will not abide by florida in any way. Consider me in on any and all adverse actions taken against florida, the dmv and the driver registry. They have gone unchecked too long, they need to be abolished along with madd, stripped of everything and executed, I will never have compassion or sympathy for lying pond scum like these types, parasites all.

  81. This is a question for Mr. Sammis. I have a revoked FL DL. If I am currently driving legally in CO with 2 year interlock, would I still be eligible to return to FL and enroll in their DL program?

    1. Linda I to have a driver license in another state that is clean of any tickets or DUI’s for 6 years. Florida is mad as hell about it because they did not profit off of it. They will discourage you and make you start over in the program they will not give any credit on your clean record of two years. Florida will not take no consideration of the 6 years clean on my record plus the last DUI has been 19 years ago. I have contacted senator’s and Rick Scott they will not budge on the money machine.

    2. Linda; I have completed Colorado’s program and I am driving with a full Regular Colorado license. Remember that Colorado does not have to give you a hearing to reinstate your license if it is suspended in another state. Colorado has reinstated your license for the date of your 4th DUI offence in Florida. Now if you go signing up for a Florida crazy lifetime mandate program with ridicules rules, Colorado may not help you again.

      Here’s Florida who will gladly give new Suspension dates added for your same offence; Someone said they saw you drinking; Suspended. You missed a lifetime meeting; Suspended. You missed an Sr-22 car insurance payment; Suspended. Forever lifetime breathalyzer problem? No problem; Suspended. Hey! We are the Florida DMV and we just feel like passing new legislation; Suspended. Etc, Etc, Etc.

      There is NO WAY I would ever risk throwing away what Colorado has done for me by risking another out of state Florida suspension date adding to that one devastating 4th offence date Florida already gave me years ago. If Colorado just says; Sorry but you can’t seem to stop screwing up in Florida, you are back to square one again. At the very least for another suspension in Florida, Colorado will make you redo their entire programs again. It is so not worth it to ever get back involved with Florida ever ever again.

      1. So what you are saying is that they will never let up on you, you will have to pay protection until you die or too old to drive, I was under the impression that you were only required to have the breathalyzer in your vehicle for one year, unless you violated the rules and can they really make you keep SR22 insurance for life. I don’t think it’s the DMV that’s coming up will all of this, it’s MADD pushing for new and harsher legislation which affects those of us that have already learned our lesson as well. Yes, we do need to find an Attorney that will go to bat for us, I’m sure there are enough people that would be glad to donate a reasonable amount to have an Attorney go the bat for us. I Wonder, do MADD members read this blog?

      2. http://www.writers-free-reference.com/10duis.htm

        Mel; It’s to late. Fighting DUI laws are a lost cause. Florida is not even the toughest anymore. The link above is the top 10 toughest on DUI who have all just changed their DUI laws very recently. Florida is number 3 now. Almost all 10 of the states on this list have moved to lifetime revocations. Even the last on the list, Number 10; Virginia has a lifetime revocation on just a 3rd offence DUI in their political competition to be the toughest on DUI.

        The only thing that is going to happen at this point is going to happen to Colorado. All of these states are lobbying hard to close the last loophole in the United states for people to drive again and they are winning.

        Colorado just changed their DUI laws adding felonies to them six months ago. I estimate it will be two years at the most before Colorado just gives up against all of these other states and stops reinstating people. Get to Colorado and get grandfathered in before that happens. Colorado will keep the people who have completed their programs already reinstated. They are just going to stop offering any opportunity for reinstatement in the near future for out of state suspensions. It’s to late to do anything now changing DUI laws except to run for the hills while there is still time.

      3. Hey Ray I have read this whole thread and mostly your comments. I am too in the road to getting my license back in Colorado. I was wondering if you ever got word back from the Interstate Compact processing? Are you valid in all states to drive including Florida? I now live in CO but am trying to get back into traveling for work, which would have me driving in other states. Wondering if I can safely drive with a CO regular R license in Florida or another state. Will not be applying for any other state licensing just traveling temporarily and driving in that state. Thank you for your great advice and help with changing my life for the better!

      4. Cox, you can absolutely not drive in Florida even though you have a Colorado license. They own those roads and your Florida license is still suspended. They will charge you with a felony and win. That is one part I did get straight asking a Colorado attorney. You can legally drive in every other state though. The Interstate compact? I’m not going balls in for that fight until after Christmas. When I have had my Colorado license for 3 years without incident, a safe driver again according to insurance status.

  82. Can someone please give me more information on Colorado. I received my last 4th dui in 1999. In 2004 I was reinstated only to be revoked again in 2016. Apparently a dui from 1996 was just placed on my DL. Please help

    1. Colorado applies Colorado law to DUI offenses. They read the interstate compact law as it is written, which is what allows them to follow CO rules. If you are a resident of CO (must appear permanent for 3 months or proof of employment in CO), you can schedule a hearing through CO Hearings Department DMV with a hearing officer (303-205-5613/303-205-5606 #3). They will require a copy of your FL DMV record (I bought mine electronically, but CO DMV already had their own copy). There is an application for reinstatement (small fee). You will also need to provide proof of attendance of any and all DUI classes. CO Alcohol Therapy (there are several tracks/levels based on your offenses – Alcohol Education + Alcohol Therapy)will be required. Maybe even interlock (I got two years of IID). This is all very straight forward and easy to do and does not require a lawyer, but there are several that assist in these matters. FL permanently revoked my DL in 2008. I did not drive since then, until I moved to CO. I feared getting permanently entrenched in the FL administrative review system. I am grateful to be here. Good luck on your journey George.

      1. Anonymous; Like you I also had the Florida Lifetime Revocation and got my License fully reinstated in Colorado last year after completing Colorado’s program. I never contacted the state of Florida or looked back for the same reasons as you because of getting entrenched in their administrative review system. My question is; Now that we can legally drive and we have been fully reinstated in Colorado and can also drive in the other 48 states, can we legally drive in Florida or is our license still suspended in Florida? I was given some Interstate compact paperwork that allowed me to go down to the Colorado Sheriffs office, get fingerprinted and transfer my court-case to Colorado if necessary but since I didn’t have an active Florida court case because my 4th DUI was 15 years ago; I didn’t fool with it. Colorado follows Interstate compact rules anyway. Does going down to the Colorado Sheriffs office and registering our cases and getting Florida involved make any difference with Florida ever removing their suspensions since we have been already been reinstated in Colorado? I’ve received different answers from different lawyers so I still haven’t fooled with contacting Florida on anything because Florida has always proven to be more trouble than it is worth.

        1. No my paper work is about the same anywhere else I can drive except Florida. Florida does not care about how many years you have had a drivers license in another state. My drivers license has been clean for 6 years Florida will not budge or give any consideration. As matter a fact they are down right resentful towards another state not doing what Florida does. The money spent somewhere else really ticks them off.

  83. I just received my 4th dui in Florida. I was down for bikeweek and couldn’t resist temptation. Its been 24 years since my last dui, none in Florida. I have an out of state dl, professional license in my state. I didn’t realize how strict florida laws are. Feel like my life is going to be ruined on this one. Can anyone recommend a good dui attorney in the Daytona area to begin my journey through hell with.

    1. Oh man. Welcome to interstate DUI hell.
      I had a Calif licence and got a DUI in
      Florida and even though I took the DUI class
      in Florida Cali wanted me to retake the
      class 10 years later. Then FLorida issued me
      a suspension that affects all 50 states because the DMV never got proof of the treatment. Also Cali had a suspension because of the FLorida DUI which affected all 50 states.
      Even Calif lawyers were freaked out by the severity of it all. Totally ridiculous.
      They need to Federalize it so you don’t have to retake classes or be double-penalized…the status quo is absurd.
      MADD is a runaway train.

      1. Notice how MADD never attacks drinking establishments sporting events or radio advertisements about drink specials. Magazines and the internet advertise all kinds of events where you know people are not going to have just two drinks. These establishments will keep pouring no matter what for the money. Nothing stopping more liquor stores from opening or micro brewery’s it is like the system works hand and hand with each other. Let the dollars roll in.

      2. Truth is, these vendors would soon go out of business if the only people that attended had only one or two drinks.

      3. I have been reading about this interstate compact thing, never heard of it until now, it preaches one license for all states. How about one set of laws for all states? My state doesn’t have a lifetime loss of license. I have never even heard of that until now, had I known the crazy rules in Florida I probably would have been a little more careful. Sorry just venting.

    2. They could of thrown a dart at anyone riding out of that area and gave out duis, unfortunately I was one of them, there were thousands at all the events, half naked women serving drinks and cops set up outside issuing tickets, not an excuse should have known but I feel trapped now, went to Florida for four days..unreal, hope im not stuck there now. I read they issued over 1000 tickets during the 10 day event, its a money machine, funny, I didn’t see MADD there

  84. The question is why there has been no push for lawyers to make any changes in DUI laws. This blog has been going on for years and we are just venting. The lawyer goes with you at a hearing either you make it or you do not they make their money no matter the outcome. They know it is unconstitutional and there are enough lawyers in the state of Florida to push for some kind of justice reform. We can get a license in Colorado or maybe some other state like I did but I believe we the people should allow Florida to escape justice reform. Myself I have children and grandchildren in Florida I grew up here. With the criminal justice system ready to explode and political chaos in Washington I believe Florida will have to reform.

  85. Mel MADD most likely is very well informed about this site. I have spoken to a member of MADD a few years ago and was told they do not care about alcoholism it is not their job. They are about as dumb as a box of rocks. If it is important to keep a drunk from behind the wheel then sobriety should be a priority. Also Mel I have gotten a strange e-mail a while back asking me about my out of state drivers license and tried to make out he was a regular on this site. I am sure a lot of eyes are on this site that are not our friends.

    1. That is odd, how would anyone get your email address from this site. However all post from this site comes through to my email as well. Are you sure it wasn’t just a post on this site?

      1. You are obviously posting in a place where any law enforcement officer can read it. Law enforcement officers and the attorneys for their agencies probably do read stuff like this if it applies to their agency. No one should ever post anything in a public forum that they do not want the public to read. It wouldn’t be that hard to figure out who posted any of these comments.

      2. I hope one day everyone reads my full name while I’m taking the Florida DMV to the Supreme Court for administratively abusing The Plain Meaning Rule applying Felony punishments to Non Felons. The Absurd Result clause in the Plain Meaning reciprocates to all entities. Even if they feel that you were privileged to be allowed to drive to begin with. Absurd results combined with double jeopardy punishment is mighty hard to bounce back from with the right lawyer jabbing. I mean angrily jabbing with law, literally knitting an American flag in the court room. No worries Bill. Who knows, this simple blog may be the beginning of everything that changes all of it.

  86. Ray it is not to late this nation is going to go bankrupt many states are just about there. California and Florida is right behind them. Florida is having a hard time paying their corrections officers. Welfare and illegals are ripping our resources down to a thread and they are a huge burden to the legal system. On the other hand if the system thinks this is a solution then give us housing food stamps public transportation and a check. Think we can a lawyer to help us with that LOL.

  87. We have a client that lives in KY and has for 26 years but he originally received his licenses in 1989 in Florida then moved to KY and ended up with a 4th DUI in KY and Florida revoked his driving privileges permanently even though he done prison time in KY for the DUI’s how does that work

  88. Ray, I have been reading all of your posts. Before I move to Colorado is there still time to be part of their reinstatement program?

    1. To the devil will Florida. Get your tail to Colorado. You will be driving legally after your first hearing. Case number 1,000,000 plus from Florida. Colorado deals with Florida refugees daily dude. I’m not kidding. Colorado hates Florida. A lot of people who had 4 DUI’s back when they were young and dumb 20 plus years ago in Florida have turned their lives around and running Colorado now. When offered another chance that Florida would never give them, almost all of these folks. including me came out guns blazing successful.

  89. Had a hearing about a year ago, denied me because I didn’t have a legitimate job. I had cared for my 84 year old mother for two years, would have qualified me if she hadn’t passed away before I had the hearing, I would have gone for hearing when I started caring for her, but I didn’t know. Primary caretaker for school age children may qualify as well. Two hearings and 18 years later, I’m still not driving.

  90. 11 months from now, around Christmas my 2nd year follow up will be over after completing all of Colorado’s requirements from their 1 year breathalyzer, etc. Multiple Offender DUI program that I completed a while back after being legally accepted to do so after attending the Colorado DMV hearing regarding my Florida’s Lifetime Revocation. Time flies. I won’t be even be required to carry SR-22 insurance anymore in Colorado at the end of this year. — That is when I’m going to return to Florida, Interstate Compacting, etc. — I wish my old Lawyer John F Daniel from Panama City, Florida who retired over a decade ago was still active. — Isammis, – A risky catch 22; That I have considered as a possible strategy upon my return to Florida after being fully exonerated in Colorado to end Florida’s stranglehold on the National Driver’s Registry regarding me. I intend to join Florida’s DUI program. Get my Florida License reinstated after entering their program. After being reinstated and it has been logged into the National Drivers Registry, Immediately turn in my Florida’s Drivers License into the nearest Florida DMV on my own free will that I no longer wish to drive in Florida. After looking at their options, I see nothing that they can do in retaliation after of an immediate surrender freely. No laws have been broken. See ya Florida. —- Just one strategy to consider.

    1. Pretty much all they can say is, Well; You won’t get it back until you complete the program. I don’t care. However. The Stranglehold nationally is gone.

  91. Wow Ray.
    I thought I had the weirdest case when FLA made me take their DUI class and then even though I completed it Cali wanted me to take their DUI class 10 years later for the same DUI. You can’t make this stuff up.
    File under “DUI laws:Runaway train” in the Odyssey FIles.

  92. I know this is a blog regarding 4th DUI and hardship license, but is there a blog for DUI manslaughter/permanent revocation of license and applying for hardship license. The DUI manslaughter occurred in FL in 2003, but now the client lives out of state and is applying for hardship license in that state. How long would he have to continue the Special Services Supervision? The program has no idea because he is not a FL resident, but FL has the hold on his national driving record. FL won’t release it and we are now in a court battle against them to release the hold.

  93. Florida would give D U I for anything
    Drink one beer cop follows me out of the bar pulls me over gives me breath test do you are 1 beer 2 shots Of vodka 4 hours later I got something to eat when over to ex girlfriends house cop would just weaving started dating or pose me over tells me smells alcohol basta roadside sobriety take me to jail anyway Tony’s up to cop’s discretion I tell him I will below would you take me down to the police station I blew Under legal limit you let me go he says yes So I blow way under legal live it be told me I’m going to jail cops discretion Do not drink at all anymore Take man occasion because of a broken L5 vertebrae and a 7 mm bolge in my spinal cord Kin are human with the lady at the store I go to leave cop comes up to me gives me and I cast tells me my pupils don’t dilate write DUI When to trial

  94. Supposedly a 100,000 lawyers in Florida still no justice reform kind makes you wonder how they are benefiting from it. State jails can not keep enough correction officers and falling apart. Both parties have been exchanging band aids instead of real solutions. Doing the same thing over and over in order to keep the political and money machine gears turning. Deaf hears towards sobriety and getting people back to becoming productive citizens. Still spending more to keep people incarcerated instead of keeping them out can you spell DISASTER the train is about to derail.

  95. What I don’t understand is why Florida attorneys haven’t taken on the Florida DMV allowing them to use “The Plain Meaning Rule” of the law regardless of the circumstances in every case under the pretenses that driving is a “Privilege”. The Plain Meaning Rule has an exception. “When using the Plain Meaning Rule would create an absurd result, courts should depart from the Plain Meaning.” It is absurd to allow the Florida DMV to automatically administer Felony revocations on people who accepted plea bargains due to lack of evidence and they were not convicted of a Felony. Nearly 20 years ago I lost my drivers license for 6 months convicted of a misdemeanor. It was the Florida DMV who hit me with a Felony lifetime revocation using the Plain Meaning Rule. I have my full Drivers license now issued by Colorado understanding that the Florida DMV was absurd in it’s ruling. Everyone seems to understand that the Florida DMV is absurd except the Florida DMV. Why is that?

    1. It was my 4th offense. What can I say? I was a wild child back in the 1980s and 90s. No felonies though. I have an SF-85 International Security Clearance now providing services to military bases globally at nearly 50 years old. Needless to say, Florida is no longer even a vacation spot on my map.

      1. Same here. My first dui was in 1982, second 2 were in 1984 all in state of Virginia and last one unfortunately was in Florida in 1992. Now I’ll be 54 yo in October, haven’t touched a drop of alcohol in almost 17 years and still can’t get a drivers license. FU and GTH Florida DMV.

        1. Rack them and stack them full the jails beyond capacity. Mean while our homeless population explodes mostly because of no justice reform. The rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous getting smaller people unable to get jobs to get back and forth to work fall through the cracks. Bill Wilson’s ideal of getting drunks back to being productive citizens is shattered. Godless and lawless politicians with deep pockets including lawyers who reap the harvest with this greedy and corrupt system. We will still see in our life times of this train that will derail.

      2. You get this type of “screwed for life” legislation often in Florida. You can’t vote for life in FLA if you ever got a felony conviction.
        Everyone knows the law needs to change but the tyrants have a stranglehold on the law and won’t change it.
        Time for a revolution?

        1. Florida apparently doesn’t care how long a person has been sober. However I am now in the process of getting my Colorado driver’s license, finally, after 25 years without a license I decided to go for it. So I moved to Colorado this past Saturday and started a new job today. I went to the DMV and applied for my license at which time I was denied due to the hold in Florida. I got my Colorado ID and took the denial form to my lawyer and paid him $600.00. Next step is my lawyer will arrange a meeting with a DMV officer at which time I will be informed that I will be allowed a restricted license which means I’ll have to have an ignition interlock installed in my car for 2 years. I will also be required to attend alcohol classes and counseling which could take up to 14 months as well as have SR-22 insurance for 3 years. After all is said an done I’ll have an unrestricted driver’s license and be free once again.

  96. Ray 20 years of no new offenses 15 years sober in August driver license over 6 years in Tennessee. No DUIs and no tickets and this license has been renewed in March.None of this stands for anything in this state of Florida just greed and politics period.

    1. Just a heads-up to all the blog readers out there. I think Sammis claimed they had never censored a post/comment but when I stated that overlawyered FLA had a lot a lot of FLA lawyers profiteering off the legal anarchy there (eg, 20% of drivers with suspensions) I stated that FLA lawyers did a lot of profiteering off the madness there.
      They have a big enough lobby they ought to fight back. But it’s too profitable, so the status quo remains unchanged.
      Post later redacted, I noticed.
      Inquiring minds ought to know what’s censored.

      1. Republicrats want nothing to do with justice reform Demoncrats talk a lot of BS to obtain another vote but have done nothing. Who are the two parties but a bunch of lawyers. Hired Pellgrino and Crider of Clearwater for a hardship license hearing collected he collected 2500.00 and ran. Had little knowledge of the laws the hardship process and never returned my phone calls after it changed to a 5 year wait. There is no redemption and no biblical principles in America’s legal system. Although the monster they have created is getting to big for its pen and it will blow up in their faces.

      2. I reserve the right to delete any post/comment. I don’t recall deleting this particular post/comment but I have deleted several that vaguely threatened violence or were otherwise inappropriate. I’m not saying your prior post falls in that category because I don’t see it at all in my trash folder. I’m not sure what “post later redacted” means. I don’t redact anything from a comment or post, I just mark it as trash and it disappears from the page entirely. But if someone posts spam or anything else that looks inappropriate to me, I’ll delete it completely if I see it. That being said, I certainly don’t disagree that lawyers profit off of the madness or have a problem with anyone pointing that out. How about you all draft the legislation? I’d be happy to review it and share it with the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (FACDL). That organization has a Legislative Affairs Committee that promotes FACDL’s legislative agenda. FACDL also employes a full time lobbyist in Tallahassee, FL. You have to look at the current statute and track the changes you want. You would also need to draft a position statement explaining the problem and how your proposed changes improve things. I think you want to start small with the most common sense changes that you all agree on.

  97. It seems politicians in some states like California are creating bills to reverse incarceration trends which have gone bananas ever since Nixon started the Drug War. Florida seems to be acting sluggishly in this regard although I did see they got enough signatures for a vote to restore rights for Felons there,who cannot vote, a clearly racist (Jim Crow) implementation that needs to be undone.
    There are good/honest lawyers in Florida but a few I met along the way were so scheming and self-serving I couldn’t figure out their motives: you can make a lot of money defending people (honestly), after all.
    I guess they get caught up in the “bloodsport” of it all…like a lot of cops.

    When I did get probation for DUI in Ocala it was clear they wanted to get a violation,
    even to the point of pocketing my payments, and then saying I didn’t pay up(they weren’t too happy when I subpoenaed the bank to prove they cashed my checks)…because there is a financial incentive to get all those DUIers and DWSLers doing hard labor for the State.(Who do you call when the “authorities” are the crooks?)
    FLA probation dept and sentencing seem to be stuck in the 70’s–maybe even 1870s–I’ve never seen so many prisons as when I left Gainesville and drove up through Georgia ten years ago wondering why they didn’t have more colleges amid the ubiquitous jails–a peculiar vision in the Land of the Free. The Prison Industrial Complex is rampant but unsustainable in the long run. I wonder how it will end. With a whimper or a bang?

    1. Yizmo, As a former probationer in Marion County (Ocala) , I agree with you totally. Not only the probation dept. but the attornies and Judges.

  98. First of all when did the life time or 75 year law go into effect for a DUI to stay on your record? There is start there for justice reform and the motive behind that is plain to see? As far as a hardship license is concern how about a specialty tag that you can be stopped at anytime and for the same cost as a regular tag? The way the hardship license is carried out screams double jeopardy for we have already done our time and have paid the cost to the courts and probation? Why should the system make double off of the same DUI?

  99. Clearwater official accused of being drunk on golf cart, causing crash
    Police said community redevelopment agency director crashed cart into tables at restaurant
    Seth Taylor, 38, entered into Adult Pre-Arrest Diversion Program 

    I guess DUI laws do not apply equally in the
    state of Florida if this was me I would be in jail charged with DUI

  100. Face it my friends the law the way it is written is here to stay if you can somehow get a license in another state then that’s what you should do if you wish to stay in Florida you will need to meet there requirements in order to drive on a restricted basis it is tough but it is possible a lot of people have done so I don’t know the exact number I’m sure the information is available somewhere I wish everyone the best no matter which way you decide to go

    1. I have been in the Special Supervision program for 15 years. I have lived out of the state of Florida for 12 of those years

    2. The law is not here to stay other states do not have the same DUI laws as Florida. Right now there is some effort going on for justice reform. Florida’s rack them and stack them in jail is turning around and biting them in the butts. The monster is consuming itself as long as alcohol is legal here will always be bad results. Florida’s over population is eroding away to many resources they will find themselves having to make different decisions.

      1. Bill I hope you are right but you know Florida is nothing but a huge police state. The more people they can stack in their jails the more job security there is for the jailers judges and police. It’s nothing but big business for them. The last thing they want is to see someone rehabilitate. They would rather keep people coming back just like any other business. If overcrowding becomes an issue I think they will probably just build more jails. As for me, I just moved to Colorado and am in the process of getting my license here, finally after 25 years I’ll be back on the road.

  101. Permanent drivers license suspensions DESTROY LIVES AND ELIMINATE HOPE!

    If you take away the “privilege” of driving and being able to provide for yourself and your family, you make a class of people who are permanent social and economic outcasts!

    These laws of ongoing, LIFETIME PUNISHMENT remove the incentive for rehabilitation, and affect the families, children, elderly, and others, too.

    A never-ending, LIFETIME of ongoing punishment is cruel and unusual, something that is.supposed to be prohibited!

    Whatever happened to the constitutional right to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness?

    Guess if you have 3 DUI’s from long ago, even though you never crashed or hurt anyone, and even though you changed and quit drinking, you lose your Constitutional rights forever and are now branded as a criminal for life!

    The only consolation for those subject to these ruthless, unforgiving, tyrannical laws is this: the karma will eventually come back to punish the creators/enforcers/supporters of such laws!

    What gives one person the right to take away another’s freedom to be able to drive for LIFE? If they haven’t hurt anyone? It’s not fair, and the massive suffering and devastation on the lives of victims of these laws, FAR OUTWEIGHS their original crime and foolishness. An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, life for life, but you can’t DESTROY someone’s life and take away their ability to ever work and provide for themselves and their children and family ever again, without some pretty messed up KARMA coming back to slap you hard in the future?

    Alaska had this same PERMANENT suspension law for 3 dui’s, and they even applied it retroactively, to old cases where the punishment was originally nowhere near LIFE, and cases where the sentence had already been passed. Effectively adding punishment on top of punishment. What a harsh, unforgiving country!

    My 3rd dui was in 2003. I was 23. Now I’m almost 38. Haven’t been able to drive in 14 years! TODAY I was punished yet AGAIN for something I did in 2003!

    How many more years of punishment will I have to suffer? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Forty? Until the day I die! Every day is hell. I can’t work or get a job. Can’t even drive to the grocery store to buy my groceries!


    1 4. Y E A R S.

    These laws DESTROY people, who don’t deserve to be destroyed.

    I changed my life, gave up the drink, years of sobriety, even wrote a book on sobriety to help others, but for what?

    My life is DONE! I can’t ever live a meaningful life again, without a car!

    Maybe instead of laws like this in Alaska, NY, Florida, etc, they should just EXECUTE the horrible DUI monsters, since they must be monsters to deserve A LIFETIME OF NEVER ENDING PUNISHMENT??

    At least then they don’t have to suffer and end up homeless or starving because they can’t work or find a job because they can’t drive and don’t have a license, which is now A REQUIREMENT to work!

    This punishment is WORSE THAN DEATH! Not being able to provide for your family destroys and utterly ruins people!

    The smug sociopaths gloating over other’s misery and suffering because of such laws, have no idea what nightmarish HELL it is every day!

  102. I had a DUI manslaughter 30 yrs. ago in Fla.did 18mo, in prison came out got a drivers licence immediately now 5yrs ago I got 3 dui’s within 1 m0nth all for driving on prescription drugs which I became addicted to while going to the V.A. I do not know why drinking and driving under perscription drugs are the same and require an interlocking device seems random drug testing would be the solution, then again it is all about money,

  103. Florida does have some funny laws I can own firearms but I can’t drive you would think it would be the other way around maybe if I was a convicted felon I could get my license back but then I would have to give up my firearms makes no sense the way these laws are passed these days I just got to hang in there until I turn 95 that way one of my DWI’s will come off my record Sammis if you are still around I will need some help with the process.

    Merry Christmas

    1. Still would like to out when the 75 year DUI on your record went into effect? This law would be one the top laws for justice reform it does not take a rocket scientist for the motive behind it.

  104. Hey Guys,
    I’m here to tell you there is hope. After 25 years of not having a drivers license I decided to take the plunge, make the sacrifice, and move to Colorado. I moved here Sept 30 and on Dec 18 I received a restricted drivers license. I can now legally drive anywhere in the country except Florida of course and after 2 years the Intoxalock will be removed and I will have a fully unrestricted license. Florida DMV can kiss my ARSE!

      1. No I didn’t know anybody. I found a room on roommates.com and then I set out to find a job. I found a job on indeed.com and when I was offered a job I hopped a plane here. After I arrived I contacted the lawyer that was handling my case and gave him half the retainer fee to get started. I’d like to tell you the name of the lawyer but I don’t think it’s allowed. Note to Sammis: Is it ok to give my lawyers name? If not you should be able to google dui lawyer and get results. If you contact the right lawyer they will give you all the information you need. In a nutshell: You will need to prove residency here in Colorado and the lawyer can tell you how you may go about that and what documentation you’ll need. The hearing officer will also ask you if you have driven within a year. You must not have operated a motor vehicle for at least 1 year and you can’t have any outstanding judgments against you in any state. You will need to attend level 2 alcohol classes and therapy which is 2 hours a week for I think it’s about 22 or 24 weeks. You will also need SR-22 insurance for 3 years and Intoxalock installed in you vehicle for 2 years. I wish I could give you the name of my lawyer. If Sammis says its ok I will let you know.

  105. No I didn’t know anybody. I found a room on roommates.com and then I set out to find a job. I found a job on indeed.com and when I was offered a job I hopped a plane here. After I arrived I contacted the lawyer that was handling my case and gave him half the retainer fee to get started. I’d like to tell you the name of the lawyer but I don’t think it’s allowed. Note to Sammis: Is it ok to give my lawyers name? If not you should be able to google dui lawyer and get results. If you contact the right lawyer they will give you all the information you need. In a nutshell: You will need to prove residency here in Colorado and the lawyer can tell you how you may go about that and what documentation you’ll need. The hearing officer will also ask you if you have driven within a year. You must not have operated a motor vehicle for at least 1 year and you can’t have any outstanding judgments against you in any state. You will need to attend level 2 alcohol classes and therapy which is 2 hours a week for I think it’s about 22 or 24 weeks. You will also need SR-22 insurance for 3 years and Intoxalock installed in you vehicle for 2 years. I wish I could give you the name of my lawyer. If Sammis says its ok I will let you know.

  106. Way to go eph445 it just shows you that it can be done and you have to do what you got to do in order to survive legally god bless you and hope you the best we all might join you before long.

  107. Of all the people who have moved to Colorado,did you know someone there to get started and what is the best area to go to get a start?

  108. Hi Michael,
    I posted a long reply to your question but for some reason it was never posted. Too long maybe? I don’t know. But anyway no I didn’t know anyone here. I rented a room first that I found on roommates. Google roommates and you’ll see what I mean. I think the reason my last post wasn’t posted was because I mentioned a couple websites maybe? Well after I found a room I started looking for a job but I better not mention that website either or this post will be deleted too. I would like to give you the name of my lawyer but again I don’t think that is allowed either. Google Colorado dui lawyers and I think you’ll find the guy I’m talking about.

  109. Hi Michael,
    I posted a long reply to your question but for some reason it was never posted. Too long maybe? I don’t know. But anyway no I didn’t know anyone here. I rented a room first that I found on roommates. Google roommates and you’ll see what I mean. I think the reason my last post wasn’t posted was because I mentioned a couple websites maybe? Well after I found a room I started looking for a job but I better not mention that website either or this post will be deleted too. I would like to give you the name of my lawyer but again I don’t think that is allowed either. Google Colorado dui lawyers and I think you’ll find the guy I’m talking about.

  110. Ok so I must be mentioning something in my posts that are getting flagged and therefore are not appearing. But to answer part of your question the answer is no I didn’t know anyone here in Colorado.

    1. Sometimes they show up pending and I have to approve them. Most of the time they just appear automatically. I’m not sure why that is. Maybe someone who knows about wordpress can tell me. But I’ll go through and approve all the pending ones.

  111. I don’t have a clue about how we should go about it or draft legislation but we should act on something propose something after 25 or 30 years one DWI would come off your driving record or something we can all agree on don’t know if Isammis would wont to help or how much we can expect to pay but we need to act on something.

    1. Something really needs to be done, you want to get your life back but the laws are totally against you. Harder than probation.

  112. With over 100,000 lawyers and a bunch of burned out probation officers and correction officers. That is enough people right there for a draft for justice reform. Most of the problem is the lawless and Godless politicians in Tallahassee and the Jeb Bush puppet Rick Scott.

  113. Search justice reform in Florida find the newest and up to date site and go from there. Let us know what you come up with?

  114. Congratulations eph445

    3 years ago which I cannot believe it went by that fast I posted on this blog the complete process for someone to get their Drivers License back in Colorado who had a lifetime revocation in Florida. January of 2018 – Now I am no longer required to carry SR-22 insurance and will even get my “Safe Driver” status back on my next renewal. For future people like us who take the leap to Colorado. Eph445 Could you please go back to my post on this blog dated Jan 24, 2015 and review it? Please post any changes in Colorado law that has been made since then to help future folks who are now in the same boat that we were in and escaped from. Thanks

    1. Ray I would like to know if you had connections in Colorado before you went there?