Boating under Influence ( BUI ) Arrests at Gasparilla

The attorneys at the Sammis Law Firm in Tampa, FL, represent clients throughout the greater Tampa Bay area on boating under the influence (BUI) charges. Visit our case results to learn more about a BUI case we took to trial in Pasco County.

We can help you decide what to do next after a BUI arrest. If you were accused of refusing the breath test – we can help you fight the $500 civil penalty in court within the first 30 days. We also fight the criminal accusation aggressively at every stage of the case.

We know all about the seated battery of field sobriety tests (FST) for the marine environment. These sobriety exercises include the palm pat and hand coordination test. The BUI investigating officers who administer the exercises often do it wrong, and the results are unreliable even when they do it correctly.

When the case is fought aggressively, many BUI cases prosecuted in Hillsborough County, FL, are reduced to a civil infraction for “careless boating” or dismissed entirely. Because of the chaos of Gasparilla, poorly trained officers often conduct the investigations improperly.

Call 813-250-0500 to discuss your BUI case.

BUI Arrests During Gasparilla

Although the media is reporting that only four (4) people were arrested for BUI (boating under the influence) at Gasparilla, the actual number appears to be much higher when you look at the surrounding areas. Many of these cases began with the Coast Guard or local law enforcement officers conducting the initial stop. Those officers would request permission to board the watercraft to perform a safety boarding inspection.

The officers enter the boat to look for compliance with certain regulations, including whether the vessel has the proper certificates, personal flotation devices, sound-producing devices, bell, fire extinguisher, backfire flame control, ventilation, marine sanitation device, and visual distress signals.

During the boarding safety inspection, the boarding officer will also look for any evidence of negligent or gross negligent operation of the water vessel, including intoxicated operation under Florida’s DUI statute or the Federal Statute found at 46 USC 2302(c). If the officers make any observation of the operator possibly being under the influence of alcohol, then the boarding officer could request the operator perform field sobriety exercises.

Many of these investigations involve Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Division of Law Enforcement officers. After the BUI arrest, the FFWCC officer will ask the person to submit to a breath test on the Intoxilyzer 8000. For some reason, the number of individuals who refuse the breath test after a BUI arrest is incredibly higher than after a DUI arrest in Hillsborough County, Florida.

If you were arrested for BUI in Hillsborough County, contact an experienced attorney at the Sammis Law Firm to fight your case. Our attorneys are available to give you an initial consultation over the phone before you schedule a free office consultation to discuss possible defenses to the charges. Boating under the influence (BUI) convictions come with serious consequences. Visit our main website for more information on
Boating Under the Influence (BUI) in Tampa, Hillsborough County, FL, including penalties, punishments, consequences for the driver’s license, and possible defenses. Read more about how many people were arrested during the 2024 Gasparilla Parade.

Contact a Tampa attorney for Boating under the Influence (BUI) to discuss any case in Hillsborough County or the surrounding areas of Pinellas County, Manatee County, or Pasco County, Florida.

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Tampa Office:

Sammis Law Firm, P.A.
1005 N. Marion St.
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 250-0200

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New Port Richey Office:

Sammis Law Firm, P.A.
7509 Little Rd.
New Port Richey, FL 34654
(727) 807-6392

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Clearwater Office:

Sammis Law Firm, P.A.
14010 Roosevelt Blvd. #701
Clearwater, FL 33762
(727) 210-7004

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Our Attorneys

Leslie M. Sammis

Leslie M. Sammis

Jason D. Sammis

Jason D. Sammis

Joshua L. Monteiro

Joshua L. Monteiro

Dominique Celerin

Dominique Celerin

Katherine A. Aranda

Katherine A. Aranda

Idalis Vento

Idalis Vento